  Benjamin Bing-Yuh Lu is the department head of Information Management, Catholic St. Mary’s Medicine, Nursing, and Management College, Taiwan. He is also an associate professor at Department of Electronic Engineering, Tungnan University. He has severed as the chief of curriculum section, Department of Academic affairs in the same university from 2000 to 2002. He got his BS of electrical engineering from National Central University in 1988, MS of electrical engineering from National Taiwan University in 1993, and Ph D of electrical engineering from National Taiwan University in 2000. He experienced in modeling, system design and analysis, knowledge management and engineering education. His researches included electronic positioning system (with Fok-Ching Chong), frequent appearance vocabulary for engineering (with Ming-Li Tung, and Tai-Cheng Chiang), acoustics (with Huey-Dong Wu, Win-Li Lin, Te-Son Kuo, and Fok Ching Chong), information system (with Jin-Shin Lai), and engineering education (with Te-Son Kuo). He is the member of IEEE, and CIE. Based on his experiences, he has been the reviewer of IEEE transactions on Education, Instrumentation and Measurement, and Computer and Electrical Engineering.
A. 書籍
盧並裕,MatLab Simulink 使用入門:科技英文閱讀,台北:博碩文化,ISBN 9789862016152
B. 期刊論文
1. *Bing-Yuh Lu, Ming-Li Tung, “Perspectives on the Open Educational Resources”, The New Educational Review, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 161-171, 2012.(SSCI)
2. *Bing-Yuh Lu, Meng-Lun Hsueh, JerJunn Luh, Fok-Ching Chong, Guan-Chyun Hsieh, Te-Son Kuo, “Active Radio Frequency Identification Asset Tags for Positioning: An Application of Clustering and Correlation Technologies”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (SCI)(Accepted)
3. Bing-Yuh Lu, Shyang-Rong Shih, Huey-Dong Wu, Fok-Ching Chong, Meng-Lun Hsueh*, Yu-Luen Chen, “Combination of frequency and amplitude modulated Model for the synthesis of normal and wheezing sounds”, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine, vol. 34, no. 4, pp. 449-457. DOI: 10.1007/s13246-011-0105-1.(SCI)
4. Ming-Li Tung, Tai-Ching Chiang, Bing-Yuh Lu*, “Comparison of the numbers of searching results in website engines between 2007 and 2009: Perspectives in language policy”, The New Educational Review, vol. 23, no. 1, pp. 127-139, 2011.(SSCI)
5. Meng-Lun Hsueh, Bing-Yuh Lu, Fok-Ching Chong, and Sham-Tsong Shiue*, “Design of double-coated optical fibers to minimize microbending losses caused by hydrostatic pressure induced creep deformation of polymeric coatings”, Optical Engineering, vol. 49, 065006 (2010); doi:10.1117/1.3454386 (SCI).
6. Jen-Chien Chien, Bing-Yuh Lu*, Jin-Shin Lai, JerJunn Luh, Fok-Ching Chong and Te-Son Kuo, Electric compass aided global positioning system navigation for powered wheelchairs”, Disability & Rehabilitation, Assistive Technology,vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 223-229, 2010.
7. 王柏翔、蔡緯樵、莊家翰、盧並裕、魏水根、蔣台程、曾淑惠、李世湧、林錦源、蘇憲昭,學科學習成就之分群探討:以期中成績為樣本,東南電子工程學刊,第九期,27-35。
8. Ming-Li Tung, Bing-Yuh Lu*, Tein-Der Han, “Vocational English tests for license examinations and corresponding training programmes in the technical and vocational education system”, World Transactions on Engineering and Technology Education, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 111-118, 2006. (國科會科教處二級期刊)
9. Rong-Sen Yang, Win-Li Lin, Ying-Zhen Chen, Chih Hsin Tang, Tsang-Hai Huang, Bing-Yuh Lu, Wen-Mei Fu, “Regulation by ultrasound treatment on the integrin expression and differentiation of osteoblasts”, Bone, vol. 26, pp. 276-283, 2005. (SCI)
10. Bing-Yuh Lu, Tien-Der Han, Ou-Yang You, Hsiao-Ping Yeh, Heng-Yin Chen, Ming-Li Tung, Chong Fok Ching, Te-Son Kuo, “A Comparison of Two Methods for Signal Transformation Teaching”, World Trans. on Engin. & Tech. Edu., vol.4, no1, pp.137, 2005. (國科會科教處二級期刊)
11. 黃原新、林育司、盧並裕*,”以超音波刺激細胞成長介紹”,東南電子工程學刊第六期,2005.
12. 洪若澂、林育司、黃原新、鍾晨輝、錢泳丞、張恭銘、董明麗、盧並裕,”統計科技文件常用字彙以助於技職體系學生閱讀科技教科書”,東南電子工程學刊,第六期,2005.
13. 盧並裕*、楊靖宇、董明麗,”資訊傳播原理簡介”,東南學報,2005.
14. Bing-Yuh Lu, Ming-Li Tung, Jo-Cheng Hung, Yu-Szu Lin, Yuan-Hsin Huang, Chen-Hui Chung, Yung-Cheng Chien, Kung-Ming Chang, ”Computation of the frequently used vocabulary to help students reading English technical textbooks in technological and vocational programmes”, World Trans. on Engin. & Tech. Edu., vol.3(2), pp.211-216, 2004.(國科會科教處二級期刊)
15. Ming-Li Tung, Bing-Yuh Lu*, Tien-Der Han, Meng-Lun Hsueh, Chong-Fok Ching, Te-Son Kuo, “A spectrum analysis of an objective-oriented English vocabulary for the technological and vocational college/university programmes”, World Trans. on Engin. & Tech. Edu., vol.3(2), pp.253-259, 2004. (國科會科教處二級期刊)
16. 盧並裕,張璞曾,巫維標,歐陽瑤,李海鵡,陸哲駒,賴金鑫,郭德盛,”具有安全防護功能之電動輪椅控制器研發”, 東南學報,26,19-28,2004.
17. 盧並裕,董明麗,林育司,黃原新,洪若澂,鍾晨輝,張恭銘,錢泳丞,”「計算機組織與結構」原文教科書常用字彙之統計”,東南電子工程學刊,5,17-26,2004.
18. 王棟欽,盧並裕,陳永耀,林文澧,郭德盛,”機械式振動超音波牙刷之研究與開發”,Journal of Biomedical Engineering, 24(S), 7-12, 2004.(EI)
19. 劉浩澧,盧並裕,陳永耀,林文澧,”Heating Procedure Design of Ultrasound Thermal Therapy Using Novel 2-D Phased Array”,東南學報,26,19-28,2004.
20. 高竟文,姜孟成,陳國輝,溫存豪,方榮亨,盧並裕*,”自動總機系統”,東南電子工程學刊,2(2),127-130,2001.
21. 郭百峻,林于程,蘇照元,蔡淑慧,盧並裕*,”線上教學成就測驗網頁架設之先期研究” ,東南電子工程學刊,2(2),41-46,2001.
22. Bing-Yuh Lu, Rong-Sen Yang, Win-Li Lin, Cheng-Yi Wang, Kung-Shan Cheng, Te-Son Kuo, “Theoretical Study of Convergent Ultrasound Hyperthermia for Treating Bone Tumors,” Medical Engineering and Physics,22,253-263,2000.(SCI)
23. 林朝信,莫雲祺,盧並裕*,”藥膳資訊網架設之初期研究” ,東南電子工程學刊,1(1),125-129,2000.
24. Bing-Yuh Lu, Win-Li Lin, Yung-Yaw Chen, Rong-Sen Yang, Cheng-Yi Wang, Te-Son Kuo,”A Multifrequency Driving System for Ultrasound Hyperthermia: Combining Power Patterns of Different Frequencies for Improved Tumor Therapy, ”IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Magazine, 18(5), 106-111, 1999.(SCI)
25. 盧並裕,陳永耀,林文澧,郭德盛,王正一,鄭建華,”具相位及振幅調控功能之三頻道超音波高溫腫瘤治療系統之研發”,中華醫學工程學刊,17(2), 133-140, 1997.(SCI)
C. 研討會論文
1. 黃證嘉、盧並裕、陳治臻、洪勝文、陳友倫,健康餐飲平台之建置,2012醫護與健康科技研討會,pp123-130,宜蘭,2012.
2. 盧並裕、曾麗姏、陳治臻、湯士弘、胡世雄、徐鈴淵、張忠義、陳友倫,新設醫護資訊管理科的SWOT分析,2012醫護與健康科技研討會,pp147-153,宜蘭,2012.
3. 林彥廷、陳治臻、洪勝文、盧並裕、陳友倫,資訊技術於輔具服務平台之應用,2012醫護與健康科技研討會,pp154-160,宜蘭,2012.
4. 盧並裕、黃嘉輝、張肇明、翁瑜璘、陳恩航、黃麗珠、許麗敏、方又圓,資訊管理科核心課程與醫護資訊之連結,2012醫護與健康科技研討會,p218,宜蘭,2012.
5. 盧並裕,先進國家經濟成長率之交叉分析與世界金融風暴之關係,資訊管理科核心課程與醫護資訊之連結,2012醫護與健康科技研討會,p223,宜蘭,2012.
6. 胡世雄、余志明、李育如、盧並裕,國際專案管理知識體-風險管理之研究,2012中小企業經營管理研討會,宜蘭,pp.488-500,2012.
7. 盧並裕、曾麗姏、李育民、段有慧、陳友倫,Integrated services of 3G mobile: A framework and evaluation,資訊科技與管理研討會,台北,2012.
8. Bing-Yuh Lu, Huey-Dong Wu, Shui-Ken Wei,Pei-Syuan Lin, Meng-Lun Hsueh, Fok-Ching Chong, Amplitude Modulation Model for Lung Sound, 2011醫護與健康科技研討會,宜蘭,2011.
9. 盧並裕、沈孟祥、謝楠楨、蔡昇龍、翁瑜璘、陳友倫、周宣光,聖母醫護管理專科學校重設計與規劃之研討,2011醫護與健康科技研討會,p153,宜蘭,2011.
10. 葉元宗、陳立、陳治臻、洪勝文、盧並裕,建置一具有RFID管控機制之用藥安全資訊系統,2011醫護與健康科技研討會,p154,宜蘭,2011.
11. 陳治臻、洪勝文、許松彬、盧並裕、陳友倫,具有全方位服務效能輔助裝置之研究,2011醫護與健康科技研討會,p157,宜蘭,2011.
12. 葉元宗、陳立、陳治臻、洪勝文、盧並裕,建置一個無所不在的數位學習環境,2011醫護與健康科技研討會,p159,宜蘭,2011.
13. 盧並裕、張忠義、翁瑜璘、劉建緯、徐鈴淵、陳友倫、郭奕宏、許家銘,資訊管理群101學年度二技與102學年度四技二專統一入學測驗考試科目之分析,2011醫護與健康科技研討會,p160,宜蘭,2011.
14. 盧並裕、董明麗、蔣台程、劉詠喬、張吟瑜、謝澄漢、張璞增、李世湧,相關係數與全劇分析在學習評估之應用:以操行成績與學業為例,2011醫護與健康科技研討會,p161,宜蘭,2011.
15. Meng-Lun Hsueh, Yu-Cheng Wu, Fok-Ching Chong, Bing-Yuh Lu, Shui-Ken Wei and Huey-Dong Wu, “Modified clustering algorithm for trachea sound featuring”, International Conference on System Science and Engineering in Taiwan, pp. 212-215, 2010.
16. 盧並裕*、魏水根、謝澄漢、張璞曾,群聚模型之研究:加權方法與正規化對學生學習成就之分析,2010 6th Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training International Conference,pp 305-320,2010。
17. Ming-Li Tung, Bing-Yuh Lu*, Shu-Hui Tseng¸Comparison of the numbers of searching results in website engines between 2007 and 2009: Perspectives in language policy, 2010 6th Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training International Conference,pp 448-461,2010。
18. Bing-Yuh Lu*, Tai-Ching Chiang, Study of Manpower of Research and Development Professionals in Japan, Republic of Korea, and Singapore: A Statistical View, 2010 6th Asian Academic Society for Vocational Education and Training International Conference,pp 462-476,2010。
19. Hau-Ming Huang, Bing-Yuh Lu*, Ming-Li Tung, Mei Wang, Chi Wang, Yigh-Pyng Lin, Jen-Ming Hsiao, Jyi-Lai Shen, “Track Algorithm of the Four-quadrant Position-sensing Detector”, International Conference on Manufacturing and engineering systems, pp.414-419, HuWei, Taiwan, 2009.
20. Yu-Cheng Wu, Bing-Yuh Lu*, Meng-Lun Hsueh, Huey-Dong Wu, Fok-Ching Chong, Mo-He Li, Hsiao-Ping Yeh, Ssu-Iong Li, “Reliability Analysis of Lung sound Recording by Analog-to-Digital Converter and Sound Card”, International Conference on Manufacturing and engineering systems, pp. 94-99, HuWei, Taiwan, 2009.
21. Meng-Lun Hsueh, Bing-Yuh Lu*, Huey-Dong Wu, Shui-Ken Wei, Fok-Ching Chong, Hung-Wen Hung, Guan-Chyun Hsieh, “The Evaluation of Blind Two-Input-Two-Output FIR Channel Identification in Lung and Heart Sounds”, International Conference on Manufacturing and engineering systems, pp. 568-571, HuWei, Taiwan, 2009.
22. Bing-Yuh Lu, Ming-Li Tung, Jin-Shin Lai, JerJunn Luh, Chen Chang, Hau-Ming Hwang, Fok-Ching Chong, Te-Son Kuo, “Knowledge Communication: Factor Analysis of the Open Educational Resources Aided Integrative Teaching in the Computer Broadcasting Classroom”, The 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 211-216, July 8-11, 2007.
23. Bing-Yuh Lu, Chen-Yuan Liu, JerJunn Luh, Chao-Chih Shiao, Fok Ching Chong, Te-Son Kuo “Standard Deviation Based Weighted Average Function for Reducing Tremor Disturbance of the Joystick”, IEEE the International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application and Services, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 214-216, June, 2007. (EI)
24. JerJunn Luh, Bing-Yuh Lu, Jin-Shin Lai, Chi-Ming Chang, Chao-Chih Hsiao, Yigh-Pyng Lin, Fok-Ching Chong, Te-Son Kuo, “Preliminary Study of Three Dimensional RFID Positioning System”, The 11th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, Orlando, FL, USA, July 8-11, 2007.
25. Bing-Yuh Lu, Ming-Li Tung, “Enhancing English technical textbook reading in the non-English native speaking nations with frequently apparent vocabulary”, International Conference on Engineering and Computer Education, No. 129, Madrid, Spain, Nov. 2005. (EI)
26. Bing-Yuh Lu, Ming-Li Tung, Jo-Cheng Hung, Yu-Szu Lin, Yuan_Hsin Huang, Chen-Hui Chung, Yung-Cheng Chien, Kung-Ming Chang, “Statistics of the Frequently Used Vocabulary in the Technological Documents to Verify the Concept of Vocabulary Spectrum in the TVCU Programs”, The 3th Hawaii International Conference on Education, Honolulu, USA, Jan. 2005.
27. 符合多主多從電動輪椅控制器與安全回授系統,第八屆中西醫藥與應用工程研討會
28. 符合M3S 規範之GPS 自動導航輪椅與遠端監控系統之研究,第八屆中西醫藥與應用工程研討會
29. Ex-vivo Study of Cavitation-Enhanced Heating by Combining 40/566 kHz Ultrasound第八屆中西醫藥與應用工程研討會\
30. Yi-Hui Wu; Bing-Yuh Lu; Heng-Yin Chen; Yao Ou-Yang; Jin-shin Lai; Te-Son Kuo;Fok-Ching Chong, “The Development of M3S-Based GPS Navchair and Tele-Monitor System,”In Proc. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2005. IEEE-EMBS 2005, pp. 4052 – 4055.
31. Bing-Yuh Lu, Ming-Li Tung, Mau-Yuan Wang, Hao-Li Liu, Tzu-Ching Shih, “Systematically designed license exams in non-native countries to accelerate globalizing pace” IEEE 2004 International Symposium on Technology and Society, Boston, USA, June, 2004.(EI)
32. H-L Liu, T-C Shih, W-S Chen, and B-Y Lu, “Ex-vivo study of cavitation-enhanced ultrasound heating by combining low (40kHz) and high (566kHz) frequency ultrasound,” IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium, Montréal, Canada, 2004.(EI)
33. Bing-Yuh Lu, Ming-Li Tung, “Teaching English technological textbooks in non-native English speaking nations” IEEE 2004 International Symposium on Technology and Society, Boston, USA, June, 2004.(EI)
34. Ming-Li Tung, Bing-Yuh Lu, Hao-Li Liu, Mau-Yuan Wang, Jer-Junn Luh, Kuen-Cheng Ju, “English vocabulary spectrum analysis for the technological and vocational college/university programs in non-native English speaking nations” IEEE 2004 International Symposium on Technology and Society, Boston, USA, June, 2004.(EI)
35. Bing-Yuh Lu, Hi-Wuh Lee Fok-Ching Chong, Yao Ou-Yang, Jer-Junn Luh, Heng-Yin Chen, Jin-Shin Lai, Te-Son Kuo,” Development of the Safe Powered Wheelchair Controller”, 3 th IEE Seminar on Appropriate Medical Technology for Developing Countries, England, 2004.(EI)
36. 陳恆殷,盧並裕,吳宜慧,歐陽瑤,賴金鑫,張璞曾,”符合M3S規範之電動輪椅自動導航與遠端監控系統之研發”, 中華民國九十三年醫學工程科技研討會論文集,P128,2004.
37. 歐陽瑤,盧並裕,陳恆殷,陸哲駒,李海鵡,賴金鑫,張璞曾,郭德盛,”符合多主多從輪椅導航與避障之研發”, 中華民國九十三年醫學工程科技研討會論文集,P128,2004.
38. 盧並裕,”學校本位課程規劃示例說明”¸技職體系課程技職本位課程研習會(技專東區),宜蘭2003
39. 盧並裕,”技職一貫課程規劃示例說明”¸技職體系一貫課程研習會(技專東區),宜蘭2002.
40. 王棟欽,盧並裕,林文澧,”超音波牙刷之初步研究’’, 中華民國九十年醫學工程科技研討會論文集, 216-217, 2001.
41. 李海鵡,盧並裕,陸哲駒,賴柏洲,賴金鑫,郭德盛,”以簡易超音波感測系統增進電動輪椅安全性之初步研究’’, 中華民國九十年醫學工程科技研討會論文集, 314-315, 2001.
42. Bing-Yuh Lu, Yigh-Pyng Lin, Hai-Han Lu, Hung-Wen Hung, Chin-Yuan Lin, Te-Son Kuo,” Improvement of the Official Examinations for the Signal Quality of the Cable TV Systems in Taiwan: the Modification of the Automatic Measurement Software” IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A., May, 2000.(EI)
43. Jung-Lang Yu and Bing-Yuh Lu, “Subspace Tracking Using Correlation-Based Projection Approximation” ISCOM99, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Nov., 1999.
44. Bing-Yuh Lu, Rong-Sen Yang, Pai-Chi Li, Tzu-Chen Liang, Cheng-Yi Wang, Te-Son Kuo, “The Simulations of Ultrasound Power Patterns of Low-frequency Cylindrical Transducers for Tumors in Bones,”Proc. 21th Int. Conf. IEEE/EMS, Atlanta, ,1290,1999.(EI)
45. Bing-Yuh Lu, Win-Li Lin, Rong-Sen Yang , Yung-Yaw Chen, Cheng-Yi Wang, Te-Son Kuo, “The Temperature Distributions of Bone Tumor Therapy Using Scanned Focused Ultrasound System,” Proc. 21th Int. Conf. IEEE/EMBS, Atlanta, 1272, 1999.(EI)
46. Bing-Yuh Lu, Rong-Sen Yang, Win-Li Lin, Cheng-Yi Wang, Te-Son Kuo, “A Preliminary Study of Therapeutic Domain for Bone Tumor Using Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” Proc. 20th Int. Conf. IEEEE/EMBS, Hong Kong, 820-823,1998.(EI)
47. Bing-Yuh Lu, Rong-Sen Yang, Win-Li Lin, Cheng-Yi Wang, Te-Son Kuo,”The Therapeutic Domain for Bone Tumor Using Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” Orthopaedic Association R.O.C,1998.
48. Bing-Yuh Lu, Win-Li Lin, Rong-Sen Yang, Te-Son Kuo, “The Teperature Distribution of Bone Tumor Therapy Using Scanned Focused Ultrasound Hyperthermia System,” Chinese Biomed. Eng. Society 1998 Ann. Symp. 116-117,1998.
49. Bing-Yuh Lu, Win-Li Lin, Rong-Sen Yang, Te-Son Kuo, and Cheng-Yi Wang, “A Study of Treatable Domain and Optimal Driving Frequency for Bone Tumor During Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” Chinese Biomed. Eng. Society 1997 Ann. Symp. 365-366 ,1998.
50. Bing-Yuh Lu, Win-Li Lin, Yung-Yaw Chen, Te-Son Kuo, and Cheng-Yi Wang, “A Sixteen-channel Phased Array Driving System for Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” Proc. 19th Int. Conf. IEEE/EMBS, Chicago, USA, 822-825, 1997.(EI)
51. Bing-Yuh Lu, W-L Lin, C-Y Wang, Y-Y Chen and T-S Kuo, “A Sixteen Channel Power Driving and Phase Control System for Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” in hankbook of the 8th Ascian and Australasian Conference of the ISRRT, Taipei, Taiwan, 146, 1997.
52. Bing-Yuh Lu, Win-Li Lin, Yung-Yaw Chen, Te-Son Kuo, and Cheng-Yi Wang, “A Structured System with Plugged-in Modules for Ultrasound Hyperthermia,” Chinese Biomedical Engineering Society 1997 Annual Symposium, 200-201, 1997.
53. 盧並裕,林文澧,郭德盛,王正一,鄭建華,邱垂華,”三頻道相位矩陣式超音波高溫腫瘤治療驅動系統”,中華民國八十四年醫學工程科技研討會論文集, 106-107,1995.
54. 盧並裕,林文澧,陳永耀,顏家鈺,郭德盛,”超音波高溫腫瘤治療實驗系統與體腔植入式超音波換能器仿體實驗”,中華民國八十三年醫學工程科技研討會論文集, 18-19,1994.