2014-09-15 19:09:13


文章名稱:唐代養子的類型及其禮法地位 The Types and Confucian and Legal Status of the Adopted Child in the Tang Dynasty
作者名稱:羅彤華(Tung-Hwa Lo)

資料來源:臺大歷史學報 ; 52 期 (2013 / 12 / 01) , P1 - 51

The child adoption regulations of the Tang Dynasty were set up in accordance with ancient formalities. The regulations allowed only children of the same clan and of the same position in the family tree to be adopted, except for the adoption of abandoned children under three years of age. The regulations were more relaxed towards adopted daughters because there were no issues of inheritance in such cases. To maintain the social statuses and identities of the families, the child adoption regulations did not allow respectable people to adopt disreputable people or vice versa. However, some illegal ways of child adoption appeared because the child adoption regulations were unable to meet the needs and expectations of all people. In general, there existed four types of child adoption in the Tang Dynasty: adoptive children of the same clan and of the same position in the family tree; adoptive children with a different surname; adoptive daughters; and adoptive children of disreputable origins adopted by respectable families. In addition, there were other special types of child adoption, suc...
1.[清]翟 灝撰,《通俗編》,清乾隆十六年翟氏無不宜齋刻本。


