2014-09-15 19:09:54


文章名稱:祕密花園:論清代女性彈詞小說中的幽閉空間與心靈活動 Secret Garden: Polysemantic Spaces in Qing Women's Tanci Narratives

作者名稱:胡曉真(Siao-Chen Hu)

資料來源:欲掩彌彰:中國歷史文化中的「私」與「情」─私情篇 ; 2003 (2003 / 09 / 01) , P279 - 315

In traditional discourses of space and gender in China, women's proper position was usually constructed as nei, inside. Privacy and feelings were thus associated with this feminine positioning. However, in female authored texts produced during the Ming and the Qing dynasties we find quite complex and multi-faceted representations of the inner worlds women were supposed to inhabit.Using female authored Qing dynasty's tanci narratives, this paper explores the multiple functions the enclosed spaces of the garden could play in women's fictional texts. In these narratives, the garden is depicted as a space where female characters can find solitude, an area of reclusion within the crowded household. On the other hand, it creates a contact zone between the ”inner chambers” and the outside world, and thus it becomes a dangerous area where women's desire for transgression can be expressed, if not fulfilled. Furthermore, because of the proximity of house and garden, it also symbolizes a place of rest and escape from menial routine of household work, while providing a mysterious enclosure in wh...


