2014-09-19 20:59:34



Examining the Phenomenon of Negative Attention Bias and Exploring the Effects of the Materials with Different Valence on Attention Bias Modification Training

胡毓權(Yu-Quan Hu) ; 邱發忠(Fa-Chung Chiu) ; 陳學志(Hsueh-Chih Chen)

教育心理學報 ; 45 卷 4 期 (2014 / 06 / 01) , P435 - 454

中文摘要 〈TOP〉
Abstract 〈TOP〉
Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to examine the assumption of biased attention toward negative stimuli and to explore the influence of the materials with differential negative valences on attention bias modification (ABM) training effect. Methods and Results: In Study 1, twenty-one participants' eye movement were measured while showing paired stimuli which consisted of one negative picture and one neutral picture. Results supported the hypothesis that participants' first gaze tended to be on the negative cues, and they maintained their gaze longer on the negative cues than the neutral cues. In Study 2, fifty-one participants were randomly allocated to the three groups: High negative valence group (the paired materials consisted of higher negative pictures and neutral pictures), low negative valence group (the paired materials consisted of lower negative pictures and neutral pictures), and negative group (the paired materials consisted of higher negative and lower negative pictures paired with neutral pictures). Each group was directed differential attentional responses to...▼展開全部

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