2014-09-19 21:11:45



Valid Attention Orientation Benefits the Working Memory Performance of Schematic Faces among Older Adults

邱倚璿(Yi-Shiuan Chiu) ; 齊棊(Chi Chi) ; 張浩睿(Hao-Jui Chang) ; 王靜誼(Ching-I Wang)

應用心理研究 ; 60 期 (2014 / 06 / 01) , P161 - 217


人臉 ; 工作記憶 ; 老化 ; 注意力 ; 負荷量 ; aging ; attention ; facial perception ; facial memory ; memory load ; working memory

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中文摘要 〈TOP〉
Abstract 〈TOP〉
Human faces more easily attract reflective attention and become coded more effectively in memory. This study investigated how attention impacted face processing both in perception and working memory among older adults, testing against age (young, old), cue type (pre-cue/perception, retro-cue/memory), memory load (1, 2, 4 items) and cue validity (neutral, valid, invalid). Comparing pre-cue with retro-cue trials, we found similar search mechanisms for perception and working memory but higher false alarm rates in pre-cue conditions, reflecting the greater difficulties in inhibition during perception. Older adults had similar hit rates compared with younger adults, but demonstrated more false alarms, slower reaction times, and less efficiency regarding memory search. Older adults benefited from the valid cues that slow down reaction times as memory load increased. Our results suggest that when provided with the appropriate support, older adults can improve their memory performance under more demanding memory loads.

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