2013-01-30 15:46:48


中文摘要: 泌尿道感染是老年人最常見的疾病,但是隨年齡的增加而發生率逐漸增加。泌尿道感染的發生佔老年感染疾病的第二位。因爲有潛在慢性疾病的65歲以上老年人因免疫力較差,感染率更高。放置導尿管是引發老年泌尿道感染最主要的原因。加強宣導及教育醫護人員正確的導尿管放置及照護技術、避免不必要的放置導尿管、保持洗手衛生習慣、嚴格無菌技術及器械耗材管理、維持無菌密閉性引流,才可以預防泌尿道感染。本文主要探討具有實證的老年人泌尿道感染相關議題及預防方法,以提供臨床醫護人員改善及延緩老年人泌尿道感染更明確的參考。

英文摘要:Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most frequently encountered illnesses in the elderly. Its incidence increases as the individual ages. UTI is the second most frequent infections affecting the elderly population, especially those with impaired immunity due to coexistent chronic diseases. The most common cause of UTI in the elderly is the placement of a urinary catheter. To prevent UTI in the elderly, medical personnels should follow the correct procedures of the placement and care of urinary catheters, avoid unnecessary urinary catheterizations, practice frequent hand-washing and sterile techniques, and maintain a closed, sterile urinary drainage system. This article discusses selected evidenced-based topics of UTI in the elderly, particularly the prevention of it.


