研究資料首頁-> 期刊論文
期刊名稱 | 台東大學教育學報(TSSCI) |
資料日期 | 2011-06-01 |
附件 |
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[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
The purpose of the article is exploring the significance of educational research and discussing the meaning of ontology in educational research through Dewey's "reflection". According to Dewey, "reflective knowledge" is neither a temporary method of scientific exploration, nor be used in a purely objective, homogenized, or absolute actions. Its purpose is continuously explored the multiple experiences. Moreover, in terms of the educational research, Dewey's reflection not only responds to general human emotion, but also grasps the abstract and instrumental methods. It means that the research is not just a quest for objective knowledge further in order to respond to the demands of ethics, so that research and its actions could be more humanity and democratization. Finally, the author points out four characteristics of reflection to illustrate the implications of ontology of the educational research. First, the research is based on opening up for multiple experiences; Second, the relationship between the human and the world is based on the communication of consciousness and deeply interaction; Third, the research does not mean living in a changing world, continuing to promote a variety of experiences with the world communication; Fourth, the research is through the human condition, historical context and the reality of situational inquiry, to serve the community in finding all possible interpretations.
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