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期刊名稱 健康與建築雜誌
資料日期 2015-02-01

[摘要] :
背景:遺體護理雖然是護理的基本技能之一,但一直未被重視。目的:本研究探討遺體護理教學光碟介入對護理人員認知提升之成效。方法:採橫斷式研究設計,以北部某一家醫學中心之護理人員遺體護理為研究對象,研究問卷為自擬之半結構式問卷,共收案69人。於醫院在職教育前護理人員先進行研究問卷前測資料收集,接受遺體護理光碟教學課程後填寫後測問卷。結果:研究結果顯示護理人員對遺體護理執行意願、認知、重要性之前後測分數,在「執行意願方面」介入前後(2.99分,3.96分)無顯著差異(p=.15);「認知方面」介入前後(3.35分,3.80分)達顯著差異(p =.001),「重要性方面」介入前後(4.03分,4.63分)達顯著差異(p =.001)。在遺體護理認知重要預測因子包括:遺體護理經驗次數、執行意願、親友過世經驗、認知及工作單位等五個變項共可解釋67%之變異量。結論/實務應用:本研究結果可做為臨床人員教育訓練遺體護理之參考。

[英文摘要] :
Background: Postmortem care is basic skills of nursing, however, few attention focused to this issue. Purpose: This study was to investigate nursing teaching effectiveness of implementing discs to enhance the cognition scores. Methods: This study used cross-sectional study design and semi-structured questionnaires. Total 69 participants was received 2 hours postmortem care teaching program. Data collection before and after during the completed program period was conducted. Results: The results showed there were no significant difference (2.99, 3.96) on "implementation of willingness" (p = .15); however, "cognitive scores" (3.35, 3.80) (p =.001) ,"importance" (4.03, 4.63) (p =.001),were significant differences between before and after in the postmortem care teaching program. Postmortem care awareness is important predictor. The "frequency of nursing care experience", "implementing willingness", "through friends and relatives dying experience", "cognition", and"working units" were five predictive variables used to explain 67% of variances. Conclusion/Implication for Practice: The results could be used as references of education and training program postmortem care for clinical nursing staff.