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期刊名稱 | 護理人員應了解之醫院危機管理 |
資料日期 | 2004-09-01 |
[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
This article was to introduce major components of crisis management in hospitals and attempted to raise readers' interest in doing researches in this field. Crisis management is an important and practical issue of management. Typically, the activities of crisis management include forecasting potential crises and making a crisis management plan to deal with them systematically. Expectedly, there were enough time and resources for hospitals to complete a plan for crisis management prior to the crisis that occurred. Management of a crisis includes identifying the nature of the crisis, implementing to minimize damage, and then recovering from the crisis. In views of minimizing the occurrence and costs of potential crisis in a hospital, nursing leaders who are facing a challenging medical environment, should be familiar with crisis management and must enable all their members to fully understand its implementation.