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期刊名稱 | 糖尿病共同照護計畫對照護過程品質及病患結果成效之研究 |
資料日期 | 2012-03-02 |
[摘要] :
本研究目的為評價糖尿病共同照護網的成效,比較有或未參加共同照護網照護品質過程與結果之差異。研究樣本是採隨機取樣自花蓮某醫院門診就醫糖尿病患者,研究期間自民國94年3月28日至94年6月8日,取得有效樣本數為參加共同照護與未參加共同照護每組各78人,共156人。以結構性問卷面對面訪談與病歷回顧進行資料收集。研究工具除人口學屬性外,包括:糖尿病專業績效量表(含預防性的檢查、預防性的衛教)與自我照顧活動量表二部份。資料採SPSS l2.0 for Windows套裝軟體,進行比較性、G. L. M.-Repeated Measures與相關之統計分析。研究結果顯示,有參加與未參加共同照護網在預防性的檢查、預防性的衛教、與糖尿病專業績效呈顯著差異(p< .05)。糖尿病患接受醫療照護,比較一年前後之照護品質結果呈顯著差異(p< .05)。接受醫療照顧病患,糖化血色素之改善有達到成效。自我照顧活動總分與糖化血色素呈負相關(p< .05)。糖尿病專業績效「預防性衛教」與自我照顧活動總分呈正相關(p< .01)。本研究結果建議落實未參加共同照護網之病患醫療盡責度與參加照護網病患之自我照顧活動提昇,可作為醫院提升糖尿病照護品質之參考。
[英文摘要] :
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Diabetes Shared-Care on process and outcomes of quality of care. One hundred and fifty-six participants were randomly selected from outpatients who received medical care with and without shared-care in a hospital in Hualien during the period of time from March to June 2005. Sample of each group, with or without shared care, was composed of 78 participants. Data collection included administering questionnaires and reviewing medical records. Research tools included the patient characteristics, Measure for Diabetes Professional Performance, Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities and outcomes of quality. Data were analyzed by using t-test, G. L. M.-Repeated Measures and Pearson’s correlation with SPSS l2.0 for Windows. Results of the study showed significant differences in the process indices, diabetes professional performance included preventive monitoring and diabetes self-care education and diabetes professional performance(p< .05)as well as in the outcome index, diabetes self-care activity(p< .05). With regard to the A1C level, there was significant difference between recent A1C and levels of A1C examined one year ago(p< .05). Self-care activity showed negative correlated with levels of A1C(p< .05). Diabetes self-care education revealed positive correlation with levels of self-care activity(p< .001). The results of the study suggests that improvement of diabetes care accountability for individuals who participate in s the shared-care system and promoting self-care activity for those who do not participate in the system are necessary in the hospital.