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論文名稱 | 從連鎖型態與顧客穿著類型來探討美髮業顧客服務品質 |
發表日期 | 2011-12-02 |
附件 |
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[摘要] :
優質專業的服務品質為當今美髮業建立顧客關係、提昇競爭力與獲利的重要行銷策略。利用問卷調查分析,本研究首次嘗試從美髮業顧客主觀知覺的評量,探討台灣美髮業顧客穿著類型與美髮業連鎖類型的服務品質差異問題。結果發現:(1) 美髮業顧客最重視的服務品質指標為與美髮業者的「互動品質」,其次依序為「同理心」、「信賴性」及美髮業的「服務環境」。(2) 顧客對美髮業服務有感受到不錯的服務品質。(3)整體而言,非連鎖美髮業的服務品質優於連鎖美髮業。(4) 不同穿著類型顧客的服務品質有顯著差異,「正式套裝」顧客的服務品質明顯較高;亦即,顧客的外表穿著會影響美髮業者的印象與服務品質。由本研究的結果顯示:連鎖美髮業應進一步提昇服務人員的服務品質,尤其是服務環境。美髮業者應建立一致性的服務標準,並訓練服務人員對不同外表穿著顧客提供一致性的服務品質。
[英文摘要] :
Providing high quality of service is important marketing strategy for current beauty & Hairdressing and to stabilize customer relations and raise profit. This study is the first, using customers’ subjective perception evaluation, to investigate service quality differences of Hairdressing in Taiwan based on customer dress styles and chain types. The empirical results show that: for each dress styles, interaction quality was the most important service quality indicators in Hairdressing. Overall, hair industry customer service quality expectations were not met. Third, service qualities differ significantly between chain and non-chain Hairdressing, the non-chain is better. Professional dress styles were most frequently associated with satisfactory customer service as measured by comparing customer expectations with performance evaluations.
Keywords: customer dress styles, chain types, service quality, Hairdressing
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