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專題研究計畫名稱 | 造紙業能源流分析 (2010/03/01 至 2010/11/15) |
資料日期 | 2012-02-14 |
[摘要] :
自工業革命以來,人為活動如工廠與汽機車排放廢氣所產生的溫室氣體濃度明顯增加。為了降低溫室氣體效應所帶來的環境影響(如全球氣候變遷及全球暖化現象),於是聯合國在1992年通過「氣候變化綱要公約」(Framework Convention On Climate Change, FCCC),期望全世界共同努力抑制溫室氣體的排放。由於提昇能源使用效率為抑制溫室氣體排放之重要策略,國際間各主要能源研究機構及各國能源相關部門莫不致力於發展足堪衡量能源效率之評估方法,以作為相關政策擬定之參考依據,並可據以進行國際比較,以瞭解各國能源使用狀況,達成共同抑制溫室氣體排放之目的。目前文獻中已發表許多關於不同工業的能源查核與分析研究,所以提升能源使用效率是最有直接效益的,因為只要進行小額投資或甚至不需任何投資,即可減少10-30%的溫室氣體排放,如果業者願意接受技術改良或財政優惠機制能啟動,減量成果將更為可觀。台灣工業結構以中小企業為主,對於能源管理方面之相關技術雖已逐漸重視採行,近年來政府大力倡導節約能源及頒佈節能措施,能源生產力雖已有顯著的提高,但因產業界平日忙於生產,對節能輔導需求仍高,業界若能切實實施能源查核措施,定能提升其能源使用效率。本計畫將完成能源足跡分析方法可行性評估,提供未來發展適合我國能源足跡方法之建議,以為試行與應用。
[英文摘要] :
Since the industrial revolution, the concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) from manufacturing factory activities and vehicle emissions has increased significantly. To alleviate the adverse environmental impact (such as global climate change and global warming) from greenhouse gases, the United Nations passed the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) in 1992 with the aim of building international cooperation to limit greenhouse gas emissions. Increasing energy efficiency is an important strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Consequently, energy research institutes and governmental energy departments from various nations are all committed to developing methods for assessing energy efficiency, which can be used as references for policy-making. Additionally, energy utilization status can be compared among different countries to achieve the common aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Numerous analytical studies have been undertaken on energy audit for different industries. Increasing energy efficiency is the most direct means of reducing GHG emissions. Little or no investment is needed to achieve a 10-30 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. If energy users are willing to adopt improved technology or government incentives are implemented, emissions can be further reduced. Taiwanese industry is primarily small and medium scale and energy management technology lately has been increasingly adopted. Recently, the government has also actively promoted the concept of saving energy and implemented energy saving measures. However, industry usually focuses on production and still has a strong need for assistance in energy saving. Increased energy utilization efficiency is necessary for industry to comply with energy audits. This project will carry out the preliminary analysis of energy footprint for the domestic factories and provide the suggestions for the analysis method development in the future application.