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產學合作暨研究案名稱 | 教育部產學合作計畫-田口實驗法應用於精油萃取之開發研究 (100G-97-023) |
資料日期 | 2012-02-14 |
[摘要] :
本計畫為羅勒精油萃取反應器之設計研究,乙醇/異丙醇/乙酸乙酯水溶液在本研究中主要是擔任萃取溶劑的角色。本專題計畫的主要研究項目包括使用液液平衡裝置量測液液相平衡(LLE)數據,從以上之一系列的實驗結果,將可提供設計此萃取反應器所需的熱物性基礎資料。將完成之雙成分與三成分混合物的液液相平衡量測數據以UNIFAC模式預測,用以檢驗乙醇/異丙醇/乙酸乙酯水溶液+丁香酚(羅勒精油抗氧化成份)之液液相平衡性質的合適性。此外也將針對羅勒精油萃取反應器之開發與研究,以田口實驗設計法作為精油萃取效率之最佳化設計。並將改善萃取效率之技術,開發如下關鍵且獨特性之技術: 1.開發及研究精油的處理技術。2.使用田口實驗設計法減少實驗次數降低開發成本。3.建立高效率、低成本及低能耗精油萃取反應器。
[英文摘要] :
This project is a study on the separation of Basil essential oil with solvent extraction method. An aqueous solution containing ethanol, iso-propanol and ethyl acetate is used as a solvent to extract eugenol of the Basil essential oil. The main item of this project includes liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) data were measured by a liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) apparatus for binary and ternary mixtures. All of the experimental results can be treated as the reference for the design of extraction reactor. The LLE data were predicted with the UNIFAC model to test the phase equilibrium of water-ethanol / iso-propanol / ethyl acetate - eugenol system. In addition, Taguchi method will be introduced to develop and design an extraction reactor with high efficiency, low cost and energy consumption.
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