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產學合作暨研究案名稱 | 國科會產學合作計畫-化妝品工業廢水處理之反應器模組設計研究 (NSC 100-2622-E-562-001-CC3) |
資料日期 | 2012-02-14 |
[摘要] :
本計畫主要目的是利用奈米樹狀高分子複合磁性金屬(MNP-Gn, n為樹狀高分子之世代)做為吸附劑去除化妝品工業廢水中的油脂及染料,並測試吸附劑回收再利用之可行性,提升其可利用性及回收效率。試驗主要分為三部份進行: (1)利用共沉澱法製備磁性奈米顆粒(MNP),並製備複合樹狀高分子材料;(2)以MNP-Gn 對水中污染物進行等溫吸附試驗;(3)探討 MNP-Gn之回收再利用效率。試驗過程主要影響因子包括染料濃度、吸附劑世代、吸附劑添加量及pH值。本研究預計利用吸附反應器模組進行廢水處理,期望快速將油脂及染料快速吸附去除,另外降低未來操作成本也是本研究所希望達成的目標之一。本研究提出了整體性的研究規劃,主要是針對吸附反應器模組之開發與研製,並利用田口式實驗設計法作為吸附反應器模組操作之最佳化設計。
[英文摘要] :
Removal of oil and dye content from wastewater using dendrimer modified magnetic nanoparticles (MNP-Gn, n is different generation) was examined in batch reactors. In this study, the MNP-Gn was synthesized, characterized and examined as reusable adsorbents of oil and dye content. Parameters that may affect the adsorption such as the ink concentration, modified MNP generation, MNP-Gn loading and pH control were evaluated. The purpose of this study is to use MNP-Gn to absorb oil and dye content efficiently in a reaction system. In addition, reduction the operating cost is also the objective of this project. This study proposed a comprehensive plan to develop and design an absorption-reaction module. Besides, Taguchi method is introduced to obtain the optimum design and control of absorption-reaction module.