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產學合作暨研究案名稱 | 天然萃取原料保存之設計開發研究(NSC 102-2622-E-562 -001 -CC3) |
資料日期 | 2013-06-01 |
[摘要] :
本計畫為天然萃取原料(羅勒、米糠及山胡椒)儲存容器設計之應用研究,其中包括實驗設備之設計、水分等溫曲線量測及等量吸(脫)附熱之計算。水分等溫曲線描述天然萃取原料之水活性及平衡濕度在定溫、定壓下之關係。充份了解天然萃取原料之水分等溫曲線及其原理,在物料儲存科學中的許多問題如乾燥製程最適化設計、原物料封存評估、乾燥過程之濕度變化模擬、耐儲時間穩定性之預測等等是極為重要的。水分等溫曲線可利用GAB Guggenheim-Anderson de Boer)、Oswin、Halsey 或BET
[英文摘要] :
The objective of this project is mainly to assess the application of raw material storage system design
which includes the design of the apparatus, moisture sorption isotherm measurement of raw materials (basil,
bran and mountain litsea) and the isosteric heats of desorption and adsorption evaluation. Amoisture sorption isotherm describes the relationship between the water activity and the equilibrium moisture content for a raw materal at a constant pressure and temperature. The knowledge and understanding for moisture sorption isotherms for raw materal is of great importance in materials storage science and technology for many problems such as the design and optimization of rocessing as for instance in drying, for assessing packaging problems, for modeling moisture changes which occur during drying, for predicting shelf life stabiligy etc. The GAB (Guggenheim-Anderson de Boer), Oswin, Halsey and BET (Brunauer-emmett-Teller) sorption models could be tested to fit the experimental data. The isosteric heats of desorption and adsorption of water will determin from the equilibrium data at different temperatures using the Clasius-Clapeyron equation. The
results of this series of experimental works are capable of providing useful fundamental information, which is essentially needed for the design of the raw material storage system.