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專題研究計畫名稱 | 紫外線吸收劑之相平衡行為研究(NSC 102-2221-E-562 -001 -) |
資料日期 | 2013-08-01 |
[摘要] :
本計畫為反應性蒸餾法製備紫外線吸收劑(酯類化合物)之應用研究,酸性離子交換樹脂在此方法中擔任吸附劑與酯類水解反應之觸媒的角色。本專題計畫的主要研究項目包括吸附、反應動力以及反應性蒸餾等。反應動力數據分別以擬均相動力模式、Langmuir-Hinshelwood 及Eley-Rideal 關聯出各模式正、逆向碰撞頻率因子、正向活化能、反應熱及水的吸附平衡常數等。從以上之一系列的實驗結果,將可提供開發此一反應性蒸餾技術所需的基礎資料。
[英文摘要] :
This project is a fundamental study on the preparation of UV absorber with reactive distillation method. An acidic ion-exchange resin is used as an absorbent and a catalyst for the
hydration of an ester. The main items of this project include the studies on adsorption, kinetics of hydration, and reactive distillation. The kinetic data were correlated with the
quasi-homogeneous, the Langmuir-Hinshelwood, and the Eley-rideal models. The frequency factor, the activation energy of the forward reactions, the heat of reaction, and the adsorption equilibrium constant of water were determined by correlating the kinetic data with those models. The results of this series of experimental works are capable of providing useful fundamental information, which is essentially needed for the process development of the reactive distillation system.