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期刊名稱 | 北市醫學雜誌 |
資料日期 | 2012-06-30 |
[摘要] :
[英文摘要] :
So far, the domestic response to the
male climacteric-related research has always been good at all, but still lack of more recent researchoriented
report. As the twenty-first century the development of medicine of men, part of the aging male androgen deficiency, gradually has been
recognized and valued. The purpose of this study was investigated the body and mind of male climacteric.
Method: We Hope that through this study can be available to the government, experts and scholars
for the future of middle-aged and older men to make some contribution to health. In this study select male age from 45 to 60, in accordance with modern medicine and social psychology through the content analysis method and purposive sampling that will
be shown complete information. The questionnaires included lower testosterone deficiency and selfassessment of male climacteric was completed and then statistics by quantification. Results: We found
that a total of 94 male respondents from 103 patients that were invited participated in the study, by the
results of the questionnaire analysis that completed from March to August in 2010, showed that low testosterone disease the possibility of self-detection rate 45-49 years old, 50-54 years old, 55-60 years old, were 75.0%, 77.4% and 100.0%. Male climacteric the possibility of self-assessment ratio of 45-49 years
old, 50-54 years old, 55-60 years old, respectively, were 65.6%, 67.8% and 77.5%. This study show that the lower testosterone deficiency and self-assessment of male climacteric are increasing with the age increased. Moreover, the ratio of lower testosterone deficiency and the self-assessment of male climacteric
after the 55-year-old male were far greater than that of the previous 55-year-old male. Conclusion: These
indicated that the male climacteric was evidence on actuality. This study will waken people pay attention
on male medicine, and as a modern and future reference in preventic medicine on male theme.
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