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期刊名稱 | 北市醫學雜誌 |
資料日期 | 2008-10-20 |
[摘要] :
方法:採訪談調查法,以方便取樣宜蘭縣某兩所區域醫院,符合取樣標準之108位糖尿病患者為研究對象,其中陰虛熱盛型有66位(61.1%);氣陰兩虛型12位(11.1%);陰陽兩虛型30位(27.8%)。結果:研究結果顯示,中醫辨證分型與西醫治療模式及糖尿病併發症之間關連達顯著水準(p=0.03<0.05)。年齡與腰圍、BMI、病程,在統計上有顯著相關(p<0.05 & p<0.01);腰圍與BMI 也有顯著相關(p<0.01,r=0.703)。結論:中醫辨證分型與西醫治療模式及糖尿病併發症之間具有顯著關連性,顯示中醫辨證分型是客觀的、事實的,本研究將提供醫護人員與民眾對糖尿病的預防及重視,並作為現代及未來中西醫結合之參考。
[英文摘要] :
Diabetes mellitus was out of the complete cure, its medical care, complications relatedto the consumption of medical expenses far exceed the medical expenses of diabetic treatment, to our national economy caused a large health care burden.In recent years modern medicine to "individual response patterns" it seems that this line of thought and spirit and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatment of "Differential Treatment" happens to
coincide with the truth. The purpose of these study was in the light of diabetic patients receiving western
medicine treatment, to proceed the investigation of TCM type to find out whether the classification of
TCM and western medicine treatment modalities in the Factor in connection TCM in order to confirm the
necessity and importance, as the future development of integrated medical reference and basis.
Methods:On an interview on survey, sampling I-lan County to facilitate the two regional hospitals, in line with standard sampling of 108 patients with diabetes for the study, of which thermal Yin Shing heat with
66 (61.1%); Qiyinliangxu 12 (11.1%); yin and yang deficiency of 30(27.8%). Results: We found that the classification of TCM and western medicine treatment of diabetes mellitus, complications of diabetes,
connected to the significant correlation (p = 0.03 <0.05). Age and waist circumference, BMI, disease, a
statistically significant correlation (p <0.05 & p <0.01); waist circumference and BMI also have significant correlation (p <0.01, r =0. 703). Conclusions: There are significant correlation between the classification of TCM and western medicine treatment on diabetes
mellitus or diabetic complications. This indicated that the classification of TCM was evidence on actuality.This study will provide health care workers and people on diabetes prevention and attention, and as a modern and future reference in integrative medicine.(Full Text in Chinese)
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