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期刊名稱 | 國小高年級學生口腔保健行為及其相關因素之研究-以新北市某國小為例 |
資料日期 | 2012-06-01 |
[摘要] :
(二)學童口腔保健行為與口腔衛生態度、自我效能及重要他人口腔衛生態度呈正相關(r=. 46,P=000,P < . 001 ; r=. 76 ,P=000, P < . 001 ; r=.55 ,P=000, P < . 001)。
(三)研究對象的社會人口學變項、口腔衛生知識、態度、自我效能及重要他人口腔衛生態度可解釋學童口腔保健行為總變異量的69.1% (R2=.691 ,P=000, P < . 001 )。「口腔衛生態度」、「自我效能」、「重要他人口腔衛生態度」、「學業成績」、「身體質量指數」及「最近半年看牙醫師」等變項可有效預測學童口腔保健行為。
[英文摘要] :
The main purpose of this study was to explore the oral health behaviors of senior primary pupils and related factors, A cross-sectional design was adopted , with a research population sample targeting a fifth- and a sixth-graders, those who were studying in a selected elementary school in Lin-Koou area. All the population sample were given an open questionnaire for survey, of which262 valid samples were collected. The adopted instruments were demographic data and the Department of Health Bureau of Health in 2007 to promote school-based oral health promotion model scale. The SPSS for window 12.0 software was used for data management and analysis.
The main findings of the research are as the follows:
1. The average score of the target population about “oral health knowledge” was10.90, “attitude about oral health” was 4.10,“self-efficacy” was3.56,“attitude about significant others oral health ” was3.77 ,“oral health behaviors” was3.75 and the goals above-mentioned score were intermediate positive.
2. About the “attitude about oral health”, “oral health self-efficacy” “attitude about significant others oral health” also presented significant relation with “the oral health behaviors”.( r=. 46 , P=000﹐ P < . 01 ; r=. 76, P=000﹐ P < . 01 ; r=.55 , P=000﹐ P < . 01 ).
3.The “the demographic data of subjects”, “oral health knowledge”, “attitude about oral health”, “oral health self-efficacy” and“ attitude about significant others oral health” could explained the oral health care behaviors, the explanation power level was69.1% of the variance(R2=.691﹐P=000﹐P < . 001). Besides, “attitude about oral health”, “oral health self-efficacy”, “ attitude about significant others oral health”, "academic", "body mass index" and "the past six months to see a dentist" could predicted the oral health behaviors effectively.
According to the finding of this study could present as references for school to promote the oral health among senior primary pupils .