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期刊名稱 | Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE |
資料日期 | 2009-01-21 |
[英文摘要] :
Time domain reflectometry TDR technology has become a valuable tool for detecting displacements and locating shear planes in rock or soil slopes. It is based on transmitting an electromagnetic pulse into a coaxial cable grouted in rock or soil mass and watching for reflections of this transmission due to cable deformity induced by the ground deformation. Early detection of localized shear deformation in soft soils and quantifying the shear displacement using TDR remains a challenging work. The TDR response due to localized shear deformation is affected by cable resistance, soil-grout-cable interaction, and shear bandwidth. A comprehensive TDR wave propagation model considering cable resistance is introduced to model TDR response to cable deformity. Effects of the influencing factors on the relationship between the reflection spike and the shear displacement are investigated through laboratory tests and numerical simulations. The implications to enhancing TDR response and quantifying shear displacement are stressed. Practical suggestions are made, including procedure for correcting resistance effect, selection of cable and grout, and how to quantify shear displacement using TDR.
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