The Fundamental Principles of International Space Law
侯權峰(Chuan-Fong Ho)
問題與研究 ; 42 卷 5 期 (2003 / 09 / 01) , P165 - 207
一九六七年的外太空條約所涵蓋的幾個原則是由幾個決議案所逐步構成,這些決議案包括第一七二一號決議案、一九六二號決議案、一八八四號決議案等。一九六七年的外太空條約可謂第一個針對外空活動及探測建立起規範綱領的條約,同時也是發展及建立國際太空法的里程碑,其嘗試去除國家對於太空及天體的主權主張。本文將探討一九六七年的外太空條約所載的下列數個原則 : 1. 全人類利益原則 ; 2. 探索及使用自由原則 ; 3. 不占有原則 ; 4. 和平目的使用太空原則。除此之外,本文亦將探討目前爭議頗大的人類共同繼承財產原則。
The 1967 Space Treaty is composed of a series of principles contained in a number of resolutions. These resolutions include, but are not limited to : Resolution 1721 A (X VI); Resolution 1962 (X Viii); and Resolution 1884 (X Viii). The 1967 Space Treaty is the first international treaty that establishes rules to regulate explorations and other activities in the outer space. The Treaty is also a landmark in the formulation of international space law in that it scrapes the notion that states can have claims of sovereignty in the outer space. This article analyzes the principles established in the 1967 Space Treaty, namely : 1. the benefit of mankind; 2. Freedom of exploration and use of outer space and celestial body ; 3. Non-appropriation of outer space or celestial body ; 4. Peaceful use of space and celestial bodies.
In addition, this article will discuss the controversial principle of'common heritage of mankind' contained in the Moon Treaty.
The Fundamental Principles of International Space Law
侯權峰(Chuan-Fong Ho)
問題與研究 ; 42 卷 5 期 (2003 / 09 / 01) , P165 - 207
一九六七年的外太空條約所涵蓋的幾個原則是由幾個決議案所逐步構成,這些決議案包括第一七二一號決議案、一九六二號決議案、一八八四號決議案等。一九六七年的外太空條約可謂第一個針對外空活動及探測建立起規範綱領的條約,同時也是發展及建立國際太空法的里程碑,其嘗試去除國家對於太空及天體的主權主張。本文將探討一九六七年的外太空條約所載的下列數個原則 : 1. 全人類利益原則 ; 2. 探索及使用自由原則 ; 3. 不占有原則 ; 4. 和平目的使用太空原則。除此之外,本文亦將探討目前爭議頗大的人類共同繼承財產原則。
The 1967 Space Treaty is composed of a series of principles contained in a number of resolutions. These resolutions include, but are not limited to : Resolution 1721 A (X VI); Resolution 1962 (X Viii); and Resolution 1884 (X Viii). The 1967 Space Treaty is the first international treaty that establishes rules to regulate explorations and other activities in the outer space. The Treaty is also a landmark in the formulation of international space law in that it scrapes the notion that states can have claims of sovereignty in the outer space. This article analyzes the principles established in the 1967 Space Treaty, namely : 1. the benefit of mankind; 2. Freedom of exploration and use of outer space and celestial body ; 3. Non-appropriation of outer space or celestial body ; 4. Peaceful use of space and celestial bodies.
In addition, this article will discuss the controversial principle of'common heritage of mankind' contained in the Moon Treaty.