研究資料首頁-> 期刊論文
期刊名稱 | 護理雜誌 |
資料日期 | 2003-04-01 |
附件 |
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[摘要] :
當今台灣護理研究方法趨勢,朝向多元化研究方法是選擇,若單以實證量性或質性研究法已經無法解決人與環境複雜的健康照護問題,這些研究方法往往忽略了照護中的性別問題,特別對婦女健康的議題常常流於實證主義中心的二元論述,忽略了婦女親身經歷與其行動力之可能性,更不用說在婦女照護實務中能普遍應用在健康促進之目標上,因此行動研究提供了另類的出路。女性主義參與式研究法主要在使參與者反思其面對的不利情境,進而集體產生有效的行動策略。本文籍由林(2000)研究更牛期婦女團體的對話內容來介紹女性主義參與式研究法(feminist participatory research)之運用,希望籍此提供護理研究者新的視野,適切的應用於護理臨床照護實務中,以促進人類的健康。
[英文摘要] :
The inadequacy of empiricism and naturalistic inquiry to deal with the complexity of health problems derived from the interaction of human and environments has been recognized. These paradigms have neglected gender issues in health care and have essentialized women's health issues. A praxis-oriented research paradigm integrates participatory action research and critical philosophy. This paper discusses feminist participatory action research and its application to consciousness-raising groups of menopausal women. The methodology focuses on the reflexivity of participants on their disadvantaged circumstances and the processes of emancipation through collective actions. The discussion provides a new perspective for women's health research.