‧取 自 http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/list.htm [Research, Statistics Agency Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, ROC. (2011). Statistical Yearbook of Interior. Retrieved from http:// sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/list.htm] 王月冷、駱麗華(2006)‧治療性遊戲‧ 護理 雜誌, 53 (3),79-83。[Wang, Y. L., & Lo, L. H. (2006). Therapeutic play. The Journal of Nursing, 53(3), 79-83.] 全國法規資料庫(2014)‧ 兒童及少年福利 與權益保障法 ‧取自http://law.moj. gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode= D0050001[Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (2014). The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act. Retrieved from http://law.moj.gov.tw/ LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=D005000101] 呂芝慧、傅玲、李榮芬、吳慶音、林玄昇(2010)‧ 運用治療性遊戲於多發性齲齒幼童之手術 全期護理經驗‧ 榮總護理,27 (2),171178。[Liu, J. H., & Fu, S. L., & Lee, J. F., & Wu, C. I., & Lin, S. S. (2010). Perioperative nursing experience of using therapeutic play on a child with multiple dental caries surgery. VGH Nursing, 27(2), 171-178.] 林淑君(2009)‧ 受虐兒童青少年之團體諮商介 入之策略 ‧ 輔導季刊, 45 (2),19-29。[Lin, S. C. (2009). Abused children and adolescents of group counseling intervention strategy.
Guidance Quarterly, 45(2), 19-29.] 邱彥南、江惠綾(2010)‧兒童虐待‧ 台灣醫學, 14 (4),431-435。[Chiu, Y. N., & Chiang, H. L. (2010). Child abuse. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 14(4), 431-435.] 邱慧洳、李雅玲(2008)‧ 從法律觀點探討急診 護理人員在虐兒事件上之角色功能 ‧ 護理 雜誌,55 (3),16-20。[Chiu, H. J., & Lee, Y. L. (2008). Legal perspectives on the role function of emergency room nurses in child abuse. The Journal of Nursing, 55(3), 16-20.] 紀琍琍、紀櫻珍、吳振龍(2007)‧ 兒童虐待及 防治‧ 北市醫學雜誌,4 (7),531-540。[Chi, L. L., & Chi, Y. C., & Wu, C. L. (2007). Child abuse and prevention networks. Taipei City Medical Journal, 4(7), 531-540.] 國家衛生研究院衛生政策研發中心(2006)‧ 兒 少虐待及疏忽 – 醫事人員工作手冊 ‧苗栗: 財團法人國家衛生研究院。[National Health Research Institutes Health Policy Research Center. (2006). Child abuse and neglect less - medical personnel manual. Miaoli City, Taiwan, ROC: National Health Research Institutes Foundation.] 張祐瑄、戴玉慈(2011)‧ 應用治療性遊戲於肝 臟移植術後學齡期兒童之護理經驗 ‧ 護理 雜 誌 , 58 (3),79-84。[Chang, Y. H., & Dai, Y. T. (2011). Therapeutic play in nursing care: one experience with a school-age. The Journal of Nursing, 58(3), 79-84.] 張綠怡、蔡綠蓉(2009)‧ 住院兒童之反應及其 護理‧於陳月枝總校閱, 實用兒科護理 (五 版,180-248頁)‧ 台北市:華杏。[Chang, L. I., & Tsai, L. R. (2009). Hospital children’s reactions and their care. In Y. C. Chen (Ed.), Practical pediatric nursing (5th ed., pp. 180
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248). Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: Farseeing.] 陳宜 、葉莉莉、馮瑞鶯(2009)‧ 兒童虐待之 概念分折‧ 護理雜誌,56 (4),71-76。[Chen, Y. W., & Yeh, L. L., & Feng, J. Y. (2009). Concept analysis of child abuse. The Journal of Nursing, 56(4), 71-76.] 陳瑞怡、李香君(2009)‧ 性侵兒童之急診治療 性遊戲歷程‧ 領導護理,10 (3),54-64。 [Chen, R. Y., & Lee, H. C. (2009). A nursing experience of the application of play therapy to a preschool child with sexual assaults. Leadership Nursing, 10(3), 54-64.] 傅惠君、卓妙如(2006)‧護理人員在兒童虐 待議題中的角色功能 ‧ 領導護理, 7 (2), 1-10。[Fu, H. J., & Chwo, M. J. (2006). Nurses’ roles and functions in child abuse
issue. Leadership Nursing, 7(2), 1-10.] 廖淑卿、盧辛茹、梁蕙芳(2008)‧ 照護一位患 有腎病症候群之學齡期兒童的經驗 ‧ 長庚 護理,19 (4),561-569。[Liau, S. C., & Lu, H. J., & Liang, H. F. (2008). A nursing experience for a school-age child with nephritic syndrome. Chang Gung Nursing, 19(4), 561-569.] Hockenberry, M. J., & Wilson, D. (2007). Wong’s nursing care of infants and children. (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. McDonald, K. C. (2007). Child abuse: Approach and management. American Academy of Family physicians, 75(2), 221-228. Riley, J. (2007). Do you know how to recognize child abuse. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 5(2), 54-63.
‧取 自 http://sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/list.htm [Research, Statistics Agency Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan, ROC. (2011). Statistical Yearbook of Interior. Retrieved from http:// sowf.moi.gov.tw/stat/year/list.htm] 王月冷、駱麗華(2006)‧治療性遊戲‧ 護理 雜誌, 53 (3),79-83。[Wang, Y. L., & Lo, L. H. (2006). Therapeutic play. The Journal of Nursing, 53(3), 79-83.] 全國法規資料庫(2014)‧ 兒童及少年福利 與權益保障法 ‧取自http://law.moj. gov.tw/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode= D0050001[Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (2014). The Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act. Retrieved from http://law.moj.gov.tw/ LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=D005000101] 呂芝慧、傅玲、李榮芬、吳慶音、林玄昇(2010)‧ 運用治療性遊戲於多發性齲齒幼童之手術 全期護理經驗‧ 榮總護理,27 (2),171178。[Liu, J. H., & Fu, S. L., & Lee, J. F., & Wu, C. I., & Lin, S. S. (2010). Perioperative nursing experience of using therapeutic play on a child with multiple dental caries surgery. VGH Nursing, 27(2), 171-178.] 林淑君(2009)‧ 受虐兒童青少年之團體諮商介 入之策略 ‧ 輔導季刊, 45 (2),19-29。[Lin, S. C. (2009). Abused children and adolescents of group counseling intervention strategy.
Guidance Quarterly, 45(2), 19-29.] 邱彥南、江惠綾(2010)‧兒童虐待‧ 台灣醫學, 14 (4),431-435。[Chiu, Y. N., & Chiang, H. L. (2010). Child abuse. Formosan Journal of Medicine, 14(4), 431-435.] 邱慧洳、李雅玲(2008)‧ 從法律觀點探討急診 護理人員在虐兒事件上之角色功能 ‧ 護理 雜誌,55 (3),16-20。[Chiu, H. J., & Lee, Y. L. (2008). Legal perspectives on the role function of emergency room nurses in child abuse. The Journal of Nursing, 55(3), 16-20.] 紀琍琍、紀櫻珍、吳振龍(2007)‧ 兒童虐待及 防治‧ 北市醫學雜誌,4 (7),531-540。[Chi, L. L., & Chi, Y. C., & Wu, C. L. (2007). Child abuse and prevention networks. Taipei City Medical Journal, 4(7), 531-540.] 國家衛生研究院衛生政策研發中心(2006)‧ 兒 少虐待及疏忽 – 醫事人員工作手冊 ‧苗栗: 財團法人國家衛生研究院。[National Health Research Institutes Health Policy Research Center. (2006). Child abuse and neglect less - medical personnel manual. Miaoli City, Taiwan, ROC: National Health Research Institutes Foundation.] 張祐瑄、戴玉慈(2011)‧ 應用治療性遊戲於肝 臟移植術後學齡期兒童之護理經驗 ‧ 護理 雜 誌 , 58 (3),79-84。[Chang, Y. H., & Dai, Y. T. (2011). Therapeutic play in nursing care: one experience with a school-age. The Journal of Nursing, 58(3), 79-84.] 張綠怡、蔡綠蓉(2009)‧ 住院兒童之反應及其 護理‧於陳月枝總校閱, 實用兒科護理 (五 版,180-248頁)‧ 台北市:華杏。[Chang, L. I., & Tsai, L. R. (2009). Hospital children’s reactions and their care. In Y. C. Chen (Ed.), Practical pediatric nursing (5th ed., pp. 180
c-3 101089.indd 95 2014/3/21 上午11:23
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248). Taipei City, Taiwan, ROC: Farseeing.] 陳宜 、葉莉莉、馮瑞鶯(2009)‧ 兒童虐待之 概念分折‧ 護理雜誌,56 (4),71-76。[Chen, Y. W., & Yeh, L. L., & Feng, J. Y. (2009). Concept analysis of child abuse. The Journal of Nursing, 56(4), 71-76.] 陳瑞怡、李香君(2009)‧ 性侵兒童之急診治療 性遊戲歷程‧ 領導護理,10 (3),54-64。 [Chen, R. Y., & Lee, H. C. (2009). A nursing experience of the application of play therapy to a preschool child with sexual assaults. Leadership Nursing, 10(3), 54-64.] 傅惠君、卓妙如(2006)‧護理人員在兒童虐 待議題中的角色功能 ‧ 領導護理, 7 (2), 1-10。[Fu, H. J., & Chwo, M. J. (2006). Nurses’ roles and functions in child abuse
issue. Leadership Nursing, 7(2), 1-10.] 廖淑卿、盧辛茹、梁蕙芳(2008)‧ 照護一位患 有腎病症候群之學齡期兒童的經驗 ‧ 長庚 護理,19 (4),561-569。[Liau, S. C., & Lu, H. J., & Liang, H. F. (2008). A nursing experience for a school-age child with nephritic syndrome. Chang Gung Nursing, 19(4), 561-569.] Hockenberry, M. J., & Wilson, D. (2007). Wong’s nursing care of infants and children. (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. McDonald, K. C. (2007). Child abuse: Approach and management. American Academy of Family physicians, 75(2), 221-228. Riley, J. (2007). Do you know how to recognize child abuse. Nursing Made Incredibly Easy, 5(2), 54-63.