Explore the Effect of Emotional Management
to Love Attitude
駱俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Lou)
品質月刊 ; 42 卷 9 期 (2006 / 09 / 01) , P57 - 61
Love has the special characters of monopolistic and exclusiveness. In past love news, inadequate emotional management results in many unfortunate event. In fact, if people can learn positive emotion express and love attitude, they not only promote mental health, love relationships but also increase well communication in both sexes. The purpose of this article is introducing the contents and management method of emotional management, love attitude and the effect of emotional management to love attitude. Authors also address useful suggestions on well emotional management in love which can helpful to learn well communication in both sexes and clear love attitude, love value and well emotional awareness and express. That both sexes can own win-win situation in love process.
Explore the Effect of Emotional Management
to Love Attitude
駱俊宏(Jiunn-Horng Lou)
品質月刊 ; 42 卷 9 期 (2006 / 09 / 01) , P57 - 61
Love has the special characters of monopolistic and exclusiveness. In past love news, inadequate emotional management results in many unfortunate event. In fact, if people can learn positive emotion express and love attitude, they not only promote mental health, love relationships but also increase well communication in both sexes. The purpose of this article is introducing the contents and management method of emotional management, love attitude and the effect of emotional management to love attitude. Authors also address useful suggestions on well emotional management in love which can helpful to learn well communication in both sexes and clear love attitude, love value and well emotional awareness and express. That both sexes can own win-win situation in love process.