To leave the bed for early rehabilization as soon as possible after the surgical manipulation is the best but the only way to recover completely or almost completely for postoperated patients suffering from femur fracture. Prolonged bed-lying is not only harmful for early recovery, but also usually leads to complication (s) of various severity, even results in a lethal outcome. Wu has found the leading causes of a prolonged bed-rest after surgery for the femur-fratured patients included patients/family misconcept and/or mis-knowledge, nurses undergone incomplete professional education and/or trainting, and inadequate central supervision. We thereafter, according to the PDCA principle, demonstrated a new system, a complete plan, showing an accurate definition of initiation time to leave the bed after surgery, a claim-board of professional aids, a clear-cut responsibility for postoperative professional aids, a complete supervision system for follow-up, an intensive in-job continuous training course, a guidebook in detail for initiation on postsurgery rehabilization, and an active bed-side professional aiding system. With the performance of the new system, the t-time (the initiation time to leave the bed postoperatively) was prominently shortened form 141±4.9 hours to 69.0±2.7 hours (p<0.01); and, percentage of patients/family with misconcept/mis-knowledge was changed from 100%(30/30) to 13%(4/30). Undoubtedly, our plan was successful in its promoting phase. This new system is now carried out as a rule for an ordinary daily management mode, under the SDCA priniciple.
對於股骨骨折術後患者來說,手術操作後儘快下床早期康復是最好的,但也是完全或幾乎完全康復的唯一途徑。長期臥床不僅不利於早日康復,而且通常會導致各種嚴重程度的並發症,甚至導致致命的後果。 Wu 發現股骨骨折患者術後臥床時間延長的主要原因包括患者/家屬的誤解和/或知識錯誤、護士未接受過不完全的專業教育和/或培訓以及中央監督不足。此後,我們根據PDCA原則,展示了一個新的系統,一個完整的計劃,顯示了手術後開始下床時間的準確定義,專業輔助器的索賠板,術後專業輔助器的明確責任,完善的隨訪督導體系、強化的在職持續培訓課程、詳細的術後康復入門指南、積極的床邊專業輔助系統。隨著新系統的性能,t時間(術後開始下床時間)從141±4.9小時顯著縮短至69.0±2.7小時(p<0.01);並且,有誤解/錯誤知識的患者/家庭比例從100%(30/30)變為13%(4/30)。毫無疑問,我們的計劃在推廣階段是成功的。這個新系統現在按照SDCA原則作為普通日常管理模式執行。
今天來探討一下骨折後復健之路,現代年輕人最常發生的就是車禍骨折稱為創傷性骨折、無照駕駛,我自己身邊也有很多朋友是因為車禍所導致的骨折,嚴重的是粉碎性骨折跟開放式骨折,好一點就是完美的斷開兩段,但都很痛啦,聽他們說當下撞擊倒是沒有感覺的,當要嘗試站起來的時候,會非常痛,也有可能導致骨頭會叉出來的風險 ,骨組織不具有疼痛(一種感覺接受器),但骨折有多種原因可造成疼痛,骨膜的連續性受到破壞,或伴隨有類似的骨內膜,骨髓破裂引起附近軟組織的水腫和血腫造成、試圖穩定骨碎片位置的不自主肌肉痙攣,都會造成疼痛,之前骨折好像看人家都是用鋼釘、鋼板,但現在隨著科技發達,也有那種放進骨頭中就不用再拿出來的隨內釘,國外好像都在用隨內釘。
To leave the bed for early rehabilization as soon as possible after the surgical manipulation is the best but the only way to recover completely or almost completely for postoperated patients suffering from femur fracture. Prolonged bed-lying is not only harmful for early recovery, but also usually leads to complication (s) of various severity, even results in a lethal outcome. Wu has found the leading causes of a prolonged bed-rest after surgery for the femur-fratured patients included patients/family misconcept and/or mis-knowledge, nurses undergone incomplete professional education and/or trainting, and inadequate central supervision. We thereafter, according to the PDCA principle, demonstrated a new system, a complete plan, showing an accurate definition of initiation time to leave the bed after surgery, a claim-board of professional aids, a clear-cut responsibility for postoperative professional aids, a complete supervision system for follow-up, an intensive in-job continuous training course, a guidebook in detail for initiation on postsurgery rehabilization, and an active bed-side professional aiding system. With the performance of the new system, the t-time (the initiation time to leave the bed postoperatively) was prominently shortened form 141±4.9 hours to 69.0±2.7 hours (p<0.01); and, percentage of patients/family with misconcept/mis-knowledge was changed from 100%(30/30) to 13%(4/30). Undoubtedly, our plan was successful in its promoting phase. This new system is now carried out as a rule for an ordinary daily management mode, under the SDCA priniciple.
對於股骨骨折術後患者來說,手術操作後儘快下床早期康復是最好的,但也是完全或幾乎完全康復的唯一途徑。長期臥床不僅不利於早日康復,而且通常會導致各種嚴重程度的並發症,甚至導致致命的後果。 Wu 發現股骨骨折患者術後臥床時間延長的主要原因包括患者/家屬的誤解和/或知識錯誤、護士未接受過不完全的專業教育和/或培訓以及中央監督不足。此後,我們根據PDCA原則,展示了一個新的系統,一個完整的計劃,顯示了手術後開始下床時間的準確定義,專業輔助器的索賠板,術後專業輔助器的明確責任,完善的隨訪督導體系、強化的在職持續培訓課程、詳細的術後康復入門指南、積極的床邊專業輔助系統。隨著新系統的性能,t時間(術後開始下床時間)從141±4.9小時顯著縮短至69.0±2.7小時(p<0.01);並且,有誤解/錯誤知識的患者/家庭比例從100%(30/30)變為13%(4/30)。毫無疑問,我們的計劃在推廣階段是成功的。這個新系統現在按照SDCA原則作為普通日常管理模式執行。
今天來探討一下骨折後復健之路,現代年輕人最常發生的就是車禍骨折稱為創傷性骨折、無照駕駛,我自己身邊也有很多朋友是因為車禍所導致的骨折,嚴重的是粉碎性骨折跟開放式骨折,好一點就是完美的斷開兩段,但都很痛啦,聽他們說當下撞擊倒是沒有感覺的,當要嘗試站起來的時候,會非常痛,也有可能導致骨頭會叉出來的風險 ,骨組織不具有疼痛(一種感覺接受器),但骨折有多種原因可造成疼痛,骨膜的連續性受到破壞,或伴隨有類似的骨內膜,骨髓破裂引起附近軟組織的水腫和血腫造成、試圖穩定骨碎片位置的不自主肌肉痙攣,都會造成疼痛,之前骨折好像看人家都是用鋼釘、鋼板,但現在隨著科技發達,也有那種放進骨頭中就不用再拿出來的隨內釘,國外好像都在用隨內釘。