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   0985101332    李品萱  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:是要幹嘛  2013-09-28 08:17:19

哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈 噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢噢 嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔嘔 額額額額額額額額額額額額額

文章標題:OK FINE 我新增第二篇了  2013-11-28 21:45:54

礙於沒什麼時間經營學校部落格 YOU KNOW Time is money

   0985101331    吳長岳  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:恩恩就這樣  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:這比無名還難用= =  2013-12-07 23:49:20

   0985101330    郭芳伶  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101329    林姿汝  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101328    江純瑜  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:fuvk you.  2013-12-05 08:41:48

fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this? fuck you. what is this?

   0985101327    徐渝淇  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:銷售慘 三星智慧錶只賣5萬支  2013-11-19 20:12:51

(中央社台北19日電)三星電子的Galaxy Gear智慧手錶9月下旬問世以來,至今僅賣出5萬支,顯示大眾市場對這款裝置興趣缺缺。 根據科技網站「蘋果內幕」(Appleinsider)報導,南韓BusinessKorea網站週一指出,三星電子公司(Samsung Electronics Co. )Galaxy Gear問世至今,每日銷量介在800至900支左右。 根據報導,Galaxy Gear銷售慘淡,「遠遠低於市場觀察家最初的預期」。 三星9月時大張旗鼓的發表Galaxy Gear,其中包括推出系列電視廣告,全力促銷這款新品。 根據報導披露,為搶先蘋果(Apple )「iWatch」問世,三星匆忙趕製了首款智慧手錶Galaxy Gear,由於時間如此倉促,推出來的東西理所當然惡評如潮。 Galaxy Gear推出後受到不少批評,其中包括售價300美元太高貴、電池續航力不足、功能太少與相容性有限等多項缺點。 另一方面,有關蘋果明年將推出iWatch的傳言則甚囂塵上。據傳,iWatch則將以保健為主軸。(譯者:中央社趙蔚蘭)1021119

   0985101326    林品芊  發表(4)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:老師叫我發文  2013-09-28 08:15:46


文章標題:老師叫我發文  2013-09-28 08:15:51


文章標題:老師叫我發文  2013-09-28 08:16:30


   0985101325    李賈子宜  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101324    李雅雯  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:哈哈哈哈哈  2013-09-28 08:21:22


文章標題:五年級實習  2013-12-03 23:33:36

真的很緊張很緊張很緊張很緊張 可是要努力要努力要努力要努力 會克服會克服會克服會克服會克服!!!!

   0985101323    吳佩樺  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:摁  2013-11-28 20:47:40

愛你所愛的人 別在乎不在乎你的人

   0985101322    廖淑慧  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101321    林姿廷  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:兒科實習心得  2013-09-28 08:36:25


文章標題:123  2013-11-17 19:52:31


   0985101320    簡均斾  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101319    鄭雅勻  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:額額額額額額額額額額額額額額額額額額額額  2013-12-07 20:57:16


   0985101318    李欣柔  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:新挑戰  2008-03-18 16:15:43

下星期開始九個禮拜的實習~~ 大家一起加油吧~~~!!!@@

   0985101317    吳翊寧  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:請多指教  2008-03-18 16:15:43

文章標題:實習日子  2013-11-28 21:15:27


文章標題:歐歐歐歐  2013-11-28 21:16:08

   0985101316    李冠廷  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101314    陳鈺雯  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101313    黃俊文  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101312    徐瑋璠  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101310    陳庭鈺  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43

希望大家能不吝指教 大家可做朋友互相交流^^

   0985101309    林純慧  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101308    賴昱穎  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:123  2013-05-06 22:00:51

用心經營感情;用理性解決問題」 用心、用理,每種關係都是一樣的經營之道 晚安,人生應該還有比飛黃騰達更重要的事!

文章標題:老護作業 父與子  2013-06-09 09:25:37

Father & son Dear son: The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 父與子 親愛的兒子 當有一天你看到我已年紀老邁,而我已不再有耐性的時候,請你嘗試去了解我。 如果我吃飯吃得亂七八糟,如果我沒有能力自己穿衣服的話,請你要有耐心。回憶過去我教導你的時光。 在我跟你說話時,如果我把同一件事情重覆了一千零一次的時候,不要打斷我的話,要聽下去。 當你還很小的時候,我要把同一個故事重覆一千零一次,直到你睡著了。 當我不想要洗澡,不要侮辱我或罵我。 記得我要想盡一千個藉口來哄你,才讓你想要洗澡。 當你看到我對新科技的無知時,給我所需的時間,不要嘲笑我。 我過去教你做很多的事情,吃得好,穿得好,及面對生命。 當我有時候忘記一些回憶或我們對話中的條理,給我所需的時間去想起來... 若我還不能想起來,不要急躁,因為最重要不是我們的對話,是我們相處的時刻以及你的聆聽。 如果我不想吃,不要逼我,我深知我什麼時候要,什麼時候不。 當疲乏的雙腳不容許我走路時,伸手幫助我,就如你剛學步時我幫你一樣。 還有當有一天我告訴你我不想活了... 我想要死... 不要生氣,有一天你會明白... 嘗試了解我這把年紀已不是生活而是倖存。 有一天你會發現雖然我有過錯,我仍希望把最好的給你,我也嘗試為此給你準備道路。 你不可以因看到我親近你而感到悲傷,憤怒或不耐煩。你一定要在我旁邊,嘗試了解我,幫助我,就如你剛開始生活時我幫助你一樣。 幫我走路...幫我在臨終時有愛與忍耐。我會以微笑及一直對你無比的愛來回報你。 我愛你,兒子 你的父親

   0985101307    廖佳蓁  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:~~  2013-05-10 09:27:57


文章標題:~~  2013-05-10 09:27:58


   0985101306    蔡雅雲  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43

希望大家能不吝指教 在學生時代,就該保持青春熱血的態度!!!! 把握住機會,收穫就是鋪成未來的你

文章標題:老人護理學  2013-06-01 22:25:08

Father & son Dear son: The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 父親和兒子 親愛的兒子: 哪天你看到我日漸老去,已經沒有耐心,並試著了解我。 如果我吃的髒兮兮......如果我不會穿衣服......有耐心, 記住我花時間教給你。 If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… 如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事情…不要打斷我,聽我說….. 你小時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著…….. 當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要責罵我… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… 還記得,當我有多少理由來追你,你想要洗澡為了... 當你看到我對不了解技術,能給我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我...... 我教你如何做很多事情...吃的好,穿得好 面對生活...... When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 在某些時刻,我失去了記憶,我們的談話,讓我有必要時時刻刻記住,如果我不能做到這一點,請不要緊張,但肯定和你在一起,有你聽我說... I fever I do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… 我發燒,我不想吃,不要勉強我。我清楚地知道,當 我需要和什麼時候不該。 當我疲憊的雙腿不讓我走......給我你的手 ......我做了同樣的方式,當你給你的第一個步驟。 當有一天我對你說,我不想再活下去......我想死......不要生氣....總有一天你會明白... Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. 試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數. 有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你失去的… 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 你要緊挨著我,試著了解我,幫助我,像我一樣,當你開始生活,幫助我走...幫我用愛心和耐心來結束我的方式。 我會支付你用微笑和無邊無際的愛,我不得不總是為你。 我愛你的兒子...... 你的父親

   0985101305    李庭瑄  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101304    彭洛琳  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101303    游庭瑜  發表(5)筆  

文章標題:老護作業-父與子翻譯  2013-06-09 09:15:24

Father & son Dear son: The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 父與子 親愛的兒子 當有一天你看到我已年紀老邁,而我已不再有耐性的時候,請你嘗試去了解我。 如果我吃飯吃得亂七八糟,如果我沒有能力自己穿衣服的話,請你要有耐心。回憶過去我教導你的時光。 在我跟你說話時,如果我把同一件事情重覆了一千零一次的時候,不要打斷我的話,要聽下去。 當你還很小的時候,我要把同一個故事重覆一千零一次,直到你睡著了。 當我不想要洗澡,不要侮辱我或罵我。 記得我要想盡一千個藉口來哄你,才讓你想要洗澡。 當你看到我對新科技的無知時,給我所需的時間,不要嘲笑我。 我過去教你做很多的事情,吃得好,穿得好,及面對生命。 當我有時候忘記一些回憶或我們對話中的條理,給我所需的時間去想起來... 若我還不能想起來,不要急躁,因為最重要不是我們的對話,是我們相處的時刻以及你的聆聽。 如果我不想吃,不要逼我,我深知我什麼時候要,什麼時候不。 當疲乏的雙腳不容許我走路時,伸手幫助我,就如你剛學步時我幫你一樣。 還有當有一天我告訴你我不想活了... 我想要死... 不要生氣,有一天你會明白... 嘗試了解我這把年紀已不是生活而是倖存。 有一天你會發現雖然我有過錯,我仍希望把最好的給你,我也嘗試為此給你準備道路。 你不可以因看到我親近你而感到悲傷,憤怒或不耐煩。你一定要在我旁邊,嘗試了解我,幫助我,就如你剛開始生活時我幫助你一樣。 幫我走路...幫我在臨終時有愛與忍耐。我會以微笑及一直對你無比的愛來回報你。 我愛你,兒子 你的父親

文章標題:敎學原理影片心得  2013-06-09 21:11:54

這部影片叫我第一名,真的要叫他第一名了,劇中的主角柯恩,因為妥瑞氏症而無法控制自己臉部動作或突然發出的怪聲,一開始外人對他的看法就是她是一個奇怪的小孩與眾不同,因為他這樣的行為讓她也感到對別人的歉意甚至是他的爸爸媽媽還有朋友們,在他中學的時候他遇到了改變他一生的貴人就是他就讀學校的校長,校長讓他上台對大家說希望大家怎麼對他,柯恩回答我希望大家能把我當正常人一樣的對待,這樣的回答也讓台下的所有人都為她掌聲了,經過了這次大家給與的鼓勵也給柯恩很大的信心,讓他知道他未來的夢像就是當老師,雖然他在找工作的期間也遇到了許多的挫折,但他從來沒有想放棄他的夢想,他像做給他爸爸看讓他爸爸知道他可以做到的,也因為他的堅持和努力他有了工作最後也得到了最佳教師,這也證明了他的堅持和努力都是值得的。 在劇中主角說了一句話「是妥瑞症教我成為我夢寐以求的好老師,我一直把妥瑞氏症當成我的老師,他教會我如何不讓任何困難阻擋自己去完成自己所想要完成的夢想」,這讓我知道了在人生中總會有不如自己的意,不可能全部的事情都如自己的意,不能因為面前的障礙就放棄,如果不努力的跨過去那也就放棄自己的夢想了,主角真的很厲害,不因為自己的疾病而去放棄,反而將他當做自己成功的基石,在我的生活中也希望自己能像他一樣,不會因為一點小事就放棄,柯恩跟我生活上的挫折根本無法相比,他的努力可是我們的好幾倍,所以看完這部影片,讓我知道要更加好好珍惜現在的自己,我沒有像柯恩一樣的妥瑞氏症,所以我應該要跟他一樣的努力,為自己的未來更加油,今天如果柯恩的選擇的事不去努力而更拋棄自己,那他終究只會是一個一直抱怨自己的人而已,如果永遠沒有勇氣去面對去努力,那我們也不會知道其實那些阻礙我們的挫折是會讓我們更努力去完成夢想的藥物,大家都只知道對疾病的偏見是只會讓人灰心的,但其實轉個方向去想,把挫折當成正向的想法,是能更讓自己成長的。 在沒看這部片之前,我對於我自己的人生沒有什麼太大的想法或夢想,也只知道一天就這樣的過一天,對於未來的無知,看完這部片,讓我知道我要更為自己的負責,不能因為挫折就放棄,柯恩或是我們身邊能看到的有殘疾的人士們都沒有放棄自己的人生,那我又有什麼理由可以放棄, 雖然不一定能像柯恩一樣這麼的厲害,但只要不放棄不去想自己達不到,做任何事都是很有機會的,人生的路都還沒走到盡頭,又會知道最後的贏家是誰嗎?努力的去走不放棄得去走,人生會因為你的努力添加了更多的色彩,人生就這麼短,人生就這麼的無常,沒有人能去改變,但我們可以讓自己過得更精彩,那就是要去靠我們自己,為了自己的人生未來而盡力的去努力一次,值得的人生就靠自己了。

文章標題:病歷閱讀翻譯  2013-06-09 21:13:39

Clinical History and Indications 臨床歷史和跡象 This 50/ y/o man is a patient with HCC s/p TACE. He was admitted for night pleural effusion. 這個病人是一個50歲男子有肝細胞癌經導管動脈化學栓塞術後。他晚上因為肋膜積水而入院。 Pig-tail insertion is arranged for right pleural effusion drainage. 胸腹腔穿刺放液引流管插入右側胸腔積液引流 Findings發現 >Finding: lobulated pleural effusion in right pleural cavity 發現:右胸膜腔胸腔積液呈分葉狀 >Procedures: US-guided drainage with a 8Fr pigtail catheter. 程序: 用8號的胸腹腔穿刺放液引流管執行經皮超聲引導下排水 >Features of fluid: bloody 液體的特性:血色 >10ml of fluid is aspirated smoothly for lab tests. 10毫升的液體被順利吸入的實驗室測試 >No acute complication is noted. 沒有急性併發症被注意到 Impression and Suggestions 臆斷及建議 >Right lobulated pleural effusion, s/p Pig-tail drainage under guidance of sonogram. >右側分葉狀肋膜積水,使用超音波引導下執行胸腹腔穿刺放液引流管引流手術 MRI of abdomen 腹部核磁共振 Techniques 分析 Findings 發現 >Presence of massive ascite. >存在大量腹水 >Splenomegaly. >脾腫大。 >Nodular surface of liver. >肝表面呈結節狀。 >Numerous ring-enhancing lesions in left hepatic lobe. >眾多的環形強化病變在肝左葉。 >Filling defects in left portal vain and main portal vein. Thrombosis is highly suspected. >充盈缺損,左門靜脈和門靜脈主幹。高度懷疑有血栓形成。 >Enlarged lymph nodes at para-aortic area. >腹主動脈附近淋巴結腫大。 >Engorged varices around distal esophagus and at perigastric area. >充盈的靜脈曲張於遠端食管和胃周圍的區域。 Impression and Suggestions 臆斷與建議 Diffuse left hepatic lesions with left and main portal vein thrombosis. 瀰漫性的肝左病變與左門靜脈主幹血栓形成。 HCC and cholangiocarcinoma and metastasis should be considered. 肝細胞癌和膽管細胞癌和轉移,應考慮。

文章標題:參訪心得  2013-06-09 21:19:03

這次的參訪中讓我最印象深刻的,是桃園長庚養生村的環境,遊覽車開上山,一剛開始還覺得是個偏僻的地方,但到了園內就不這麼認為,那邊的設備齊全,為往後的生活無須擔心,但是收費的價錢比較貴了點,他們園內還有讓長輩種菜的地方、洗衣間、理髮店、餐廳等,最讓我印象深刻的是她裡面的設備裡有麻將的設備,還可以賭錢、還有鋼琴教室,有老師在教長輩學琴,而且可以由長輩決定老師,讓長輩在那邊生活完全不失樂趣,可是說天天有樂趣。 竹林養護院,最讓我印象深刻的是那邊的建築,是由原本住在養護院的建築師蓋的,那邊的空氣與環境陽光都很好,那邊都算是落地窗,能讓陽光直射入房間,讓住民也能夠曬到太陽,通風也很好,環境優良。

文章標題:英文自傳  2013-06-09 21:56:08

About Me My name is Ting-yu-Yu. I am seventeen years old. I have an English name, Michelle. I am growing up a happy family. I’m a college student at St’ Mary’s College. I’m an excellent student. I’ve earned average grade A for 3years. I’m good at English. I’ve learned English for ten years. I passed the GEPT elementary level when I was a junior high student. I can speak Chinese, Taiwanese and English. During the school time, I have been the class leader and a volunteer in a hospital. And I helped my class to deal with money.I know how to use computer. I especially good at word. I have a part-time job at a coffee shop. In order to increase not only experience but also in order to share the financial pressure of my parents. I plan to obtain a nurse’s license and attend two-year college after two years. Look forward to being a nurse to help everybody. I will do my best.

   0985101302    賴吟熒  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:~~~  2013-05-10 09:30:23


文章標題:父與子  2013-06-08 21:58:46

Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. 當有一天你看到我已年紀老邁,而我已不再有耐性的時候,請你嘗試去了解我。 If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 如果我吃飯吃得亂七八糟,如果我沒有能力自己穿衣服的話,請你要有耐心。回憶過去我教導你的時光。 If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. 在我跟你說話時,如果我把同一件事情重覆了一千零一次的時候,不要打斷我的話,要聽下去。 When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. 當你還很小的時候,我要把同一個故事重覆一千零一次,直到你睡著了。 When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…當我不想要洗澡,不要侮辱我或罵我。 Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…記得我要想盡一千個藉口來哄你,才讓你想要洗澡。 When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…當你看到我對新科技的無知時,給我所需的時間,不要嘲笑我。 I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life…我過去教你做很多的事情,吃得好,穿得好,及面對生命。 When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 當我有時候忘記一些回憶或我們對話中的條理,給我所需的時間去想起來... 若我還不能想起來,不要急躁,因為最重要不是我們的對話,是我們相處的時刻以及你的聆聽。 If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. 如果我不想吃,不要逼我,我深知我什麼時候要,什麼時候不。 When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. 當疲乏的雙腳不容許我走路時,伸手幫助我,就如你剛學步時我幫你一樣。 And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…還有當有一天我告訴你我不想活了... 我想要死... 不要生氣,有一天你會明白... Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. 嘗試了解我這把年紀已不是生活而是倖存。 Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. 有一天你會發現雖然我有過錯,我仍希望把最好的給你,我也嘗試為此給你準備道路。 You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, 你不可以因看到我親近你而感到悲傷,憤怒或不耐煩。你一定要在我旁邊,嘗試了解我,幫助我,就如你剛開始生活時我幫助你一樣。 Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. 幫我走路...幫我在臨終時有愛與忍耐。我會以微笑及一直對你無比的愛來回報你。 I love you son…我愛你,兒子... your father 你的父親

   0985101301    丁雨薇  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101299    林庭甄  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:老人翻譯  2013-06-09 22:44:36

Father & son 四己41號林晉芮 Dear son: 親愛的孩子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. 哪天你看到我日漸老去,身體漸漸不行,請耐著性子試著了解我 If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 如果我吃的髒兮兮,如果我不會穿衣服,有耐性一點,你記得我曾花多久時間教你這些事嗎? If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. 如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事情…不要打斷我,聽我說. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. 你小時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要責罵我 Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…你記得小時後我曾編出多少理由,只為了哄你洗澡 When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…當你看到我對新科技的無知,給我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我 I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life…我曾教了你多少事情啊….如何好好的吃,好好的穿…如何面對你的生命 When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 如果交談中我忽然失憶不知所云,給我一點時間回想… 如果我還是無能為力,請不要緊張,對我而言重要的不是對話,而是能跟你在一起,和你的傾聽 If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. 當我不想吃東西時,不要勉強我.我清楚知道該什麼時候進食 When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps.當我的腿不聽使喚扶我一把 ,如同我曾扶著你踏出你人生的第一步 And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…當哪天我告訴你不想再活下去了請不要生氣總有一天你會了解 Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. 試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數 Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. 有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你最好的 You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈 You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. 你要緊跟著我,如同我當初幫著你展開人生一樣的了解我,幫我 I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. 我將用微笑和我始終不變無邊無際的愛來回報 I love you son… 我愛你,兒子 your father 你的父親

   0985101298    游怡瑩  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:寒假作業  2013-03-05 23:09:36


   0985101297    黃怡君  發表(8)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:教學原理心得  2013-06-10 18:50:16


文章標題:老人報告-父與子  2013-06-10 18:54:31

Father & son 父與子

Dear son: 親愛的兒子

The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me.

If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience,

Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.

If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and

one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me.

When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and

one times the same story until you get to sleep.

When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor

scold me…

Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…

When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…

I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well

…to confront life…

When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you

listening to me...

If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when

I need to and when not.

When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand

…the same way I did when you gave your first steps.

And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…

Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.

Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always

Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way

for you.

You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you.

You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience.

I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.

I love you son…

your father






當我疲憊的雙腿不讓我走......給我你的手 ......我做了同樣的方式,當你給你的第一個步驟。當有一天我對你說,我不想再活下去......我想死......不要生氣....總有一天你會明白...







文章標題:高護-內科實習心得-恩主公醫院  2013-06-10 18:55:44


文章標題:病例翻譯  2013-06-10 18:56:38


文章標題:聖嘉明-服務學習心得  2013-06-10 18:57:26


文章標題:高護-產科-實習總心得  2013-06-10 18:59:32


文章標題:叫我第一名  2013-06-10 19:11:49

小時候的布萊德經常不由自主地抽搐扭動、吠叫鬼吼,他的父親認為他只想引人注目,鄰居則說他被惡魔附身了。其他孩子嘲笑他,小學老師更要他站在教室前面向所有同學道歉,悲慘的人生受盡羞辱。直到某天,校長知道這是一種神經性疾病的症狀,才幫助了布萊德獲得大家的理解和接納。因此,長大後的布萊德決定當個「自己從未碰過的好老師」,然而實現 -夢想的道路如此艱鉅,他面試了24所學校,遭到冷嘲熱諷,終於在第25次的面試,成功得到一個機會,使他成為全美國第一位最佳教師的妥瑞人。



   0985101296    林季融  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:參訪心得  2008-03-18 16:15:43

一、參訪中印象最深刻的部份 在參訪長庚養生村時讓我較印象深刻的是,當進入長庚養生村時,感覺就像到了一個社區參訪一樣,並不會讓人直接聯想到這就是專門讓老年人住的地方,完全改變了我對於此類機構的印象,原本以為環境會和醫院一樣讓人感覺較冰冷,但後來發現裡面的設備、設施、環境佈置都讓人感到很舒適就像在家中一樣,而且也非常便利甚至還有舉辦很多活動讓人參與,例如便利商店的設置、撞球室、電腦室、理髮室、健身房,還可以學樂器、學電腦甚至可以種菜、爬山增加活動量,就算一整天待在養生村中也不會讓人感到無聊或待不下去,而且也實現了終身學習這件事,讓我這個年輕人都有了希望年老時可以住在裡面的想法了,在裡面真的應有盡有,好特別,讓人印象很深刻。 而參觀竹林養護院時,讓人印象深刻是以前都會認為老年人身體會有一種特殊體味,但當參訪中陪著奶奶散步時,並沒有感覺到有特別的味道,且介紹人員也有提到當天氣好時,會將棉被拿出來曝曬,平時也會定時協助病患洗澡,經由這些行為,讓人感到他們對於病患的照護真的很細心,才有良好的衛生品質,也認人感受到了視病猶親的態度。 二、本次參訪對你在相關護理專業課程 (慢性病護理學、社區護理學、長期照護、老人護理學) 的成長與連結性 此次的參訪讓人對於長期照護的體系有更多的了解,讓我覺得在這些護理中都是需要長時間的照護,因此也要有更多的耐心,而我認為在這些課程裡協助病患提升自我照顧能力的能力是很重要的,在未來我要多提升這方面的能力。 三、本次參訪對你未來選擇就業的影響 原本認為護理師這個職業,就該到醫院或者是診所工作,但經過此次參訪讓我對於未來的就業有了新的選擇,也讓人重新思考了就業的方向,在現代的社會中老年人口的比例越來越高了,需要被照顧的人口跟著增加,而對於護理師最普遍的印象就是受雇於醫院照護著病患,而經過此次參訪後,讓人發現護理師不僅侷限於護理,也能成為管理者,自行創業,雖然需要考取相關執照才能自行創業,但也讓這個職業有更多元的就業途徑。 四、其他你想說的事 有這一次的參訪,真的讓人對於老年人照顧方面有更多的了解,透過這次參訪也讓我對於未來可能工作的場所有更多的了解,是很有意義的參訪,讓我學習到了很多。

文章標題:老人護理學  2013-06-04 21:05:28

Father & son Dear son: The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 父與子 親愛的兒子: 哪天你看到我日漸老去及已經無法有耐心的試著了解我。 如果我吃的髒兮兮......如果我不會穿衣服......有耐心,記住我那時花時間教你的。 如果,當我對你說重複同樣的事情千次...不要打斷我,聽我說。 當你小的時候,我說千次同樣的故事給你聽,直到你入睡。 當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也別罵我...... 記得我不得不追著你,用了千種理由,讓你去洗澡... 當你看到我對新技術的無知,給我一點時間,不要用嘲弄的笑看著我...... 我教你如何做很多事情...吃飯吃的好,穿衣服穿的好,來面對生活...... 當在某一時刻,我遺失了記憶或不知所云,讓我有必要的時間來記住... 並且如果 我不能做到這一點,不要緊張...... 最重要的事情不是我的談話重要的是我與你同在,有你聽我說... 如果說我不想吃,不要勉強我。我清楚地知道,當我需要時和什麼時候不需要。 當我疲憊的雙腿無法我行走......給我你的手......當你學會的第一步時我做了同樣的方式。 當有一天我對你說,我再也不想活著...我想死......不要生氣......總有一天你會明白... 試著了解我的年齡已是風燭殘年,倖免於難。 有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是想為你失去東西和我試著為你準備道路 看見我在你旁邊,你千萬不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈。 你要在我身旁,試著了解我,幫助我,像我在你開始生活時做的一樣,幫助我走......用愛和耐心幫我在結束生命的道路上。 我會始終給你微笑和無邊無際的愛。 我愛你的兒子...... 你的父親

   0985101295    曹華芩  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101294    李思惠  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101293    吳昭儀  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:學習歷程文章  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:教學原理個人心得ง •̀_•́)ง  2013-05-01 19:28:35


文章標題:無聊  2013-06-09 00:09:27


   0985101292    潘宛伶  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題: 父與子  2013-06-08 22:35:02

Father & son 父與子 Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 哪天你看到我日漸老去,已經沒有耐心,並試著了解我。 如果我吃的髒兮兮......如果我不會穿衣服......有耐心, 記住我花時間教給你 If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… 如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事情…不要打斷我,聽我說….. 你小時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著…….. 當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要責罵我…… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… 還記得,當我有多少理由來追你,你想要洗澡為了... 當你看到我對不了解技術,能給我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我...... 我教你如何做很多事情...吃的好,穿得好 面對生活...... When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 在某些時刻,我失去了記憶,我們的談話,讓我有必要時時刻刻記住,如果我不能做到這一點,請不要緊張,但肯定和你在一起,有你聽我說... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… 我發燒,我不想吃,不要勉強我。我清楚地知道,當 我需要和什麼時候不該。 當我疲憊的雙腿不讓我走......給我你的手 ......我做了同樣的方式,當你給你的第一個步驟。 當有一天我對你說,我不想再活下去......我想死......不要生氣....總有一天你會明白... Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. 試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數. 有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你失去的… 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈. 33 You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈. 你要緊挨著我,如同我當初幫著你展開人生一樣的了解我,幫我…. 扶我一把,用愛跟耐心幫我走完人生… 我將用微笑和我始終不變無邊無際的愛來回報你. 我愛你兒子 你的爸爸

   0985101291    林沛蓉  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:父與子  2013-06-10 09:06:54

父與子 Father & son 父與子Dear son: 親愛的兒子The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me.If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience,Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.哪天你看到我日漸老去,已經沒有耐心,並試著了解我。如果我吃的髒兮兮......如果我不會穿衣服......有耐心,記住我花時間教給你If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand andone times…do not interrupt me…listen to me.When you were small, I had to read to you thousand andone times the same story until you get to sleep.When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me norscold me…如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事情…不要打斷我,聽我說…..你小時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著……..當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要責罵我……Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well…to confront life…還記得,當我有多少理由來追你,你想要洗澡為了...當你看到我對不了解技術,能給我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我......我教你如何做很多事情...吃的好,穿得好面對生活......When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have youlistening to me...在某些時刻,我失去了記憶,我們的談話,讓我有必要時時刻刻記住,如果我不能做到這一點,請不要緊張,但肯定和你在一起,有你聽我說...If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well whenI need to and when not.When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand…the same way I did when you gave your first steps.And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…我發燒,我不想吃,不要勉強我。我清楚地知道,當 我需要和什麼時候不該。 當我疲憊的雙腿不讓我走......給我你的手 ......我做了同樣的方式,當你給你的第一個步驟。 當有一天我對你說,我不想再活下去......我想死......不要生氣....總有一天你會明白...Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived.Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I alwaysWanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the wayfor you.You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you.試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數.有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你失去的…當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈.33You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience.I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.I love you son…your father當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈.你要緊挨著我,如同我當初幫著你展開人生一樣的了解我,幫我….扶我一把,用愛跟耐心幫我走完人生…我將用微笑和我始終不變無邊無際的愛來回報你.我愛你兒子你的爸爸

   0985101290    楊育函  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:^^  2013-05-10 09:26:42


文章標題:老人翻譯 父與子  2013-06-09 21:41:25

父親和兒子 親愛的兒子: 哪天你看到我日漸老去,已經不能,要有耐心,並試著了解我。 如果我吃的髒兮兮......如果我不會穿衣服......有耐心,記住我花時間教你。 如果,當我對你說,我重複同樣的事情千百次...不要打斷我,聽我說。 當你小的時候,我不得不讀給你千百遍的故事,直到你靜靜睡著。 當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也別罵我...... 還記得,我用了多少理由來追你,就為了讓你去洗澡... 當你看到我對新事情的無知,給我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我......我教你如何做很多事情...吃的好,穿得好 面對生活......當在某些時刻,我損失的內存或線程,我們的談話......讓我有必要的時候,要記住...我不能做到這一點,不要緊張......作為最重要的事情是不是我的談話,但肯定與你同在,有你聽我說... 如果我不想吃,不要勉強我。我清楚地知道,當我需要和什麼時候不需要。當我疲憊的雙腿不讓我走......給我你的手 ......我做了同樣的方式,當你給你的第一個步驟。 當有一天我對你說,我不想再活下去......我想死......不要生氣....總有一天你會明白...試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日。 有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是想為你失去的東西,我試圖預備道路為您服務。 看到我靠近你,你千萬不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈。 你要緊挨著我,試著了解我,幫助我,像我一樣當你開始生活, 幫助我走......用愛和耐心幫我結束我的方式。 我會支付你用微笑和無邊無際的愛我始終 為您服務。 我愛你的兒子...... 你的父親

   0985101287    陳奕如  發表(4)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:父與子  2013-06-19 01:29:46

Father & son Dear son: The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 父與子 親愛的兒子 當有一天你看到我已年紀老邁,而我已不再有耐性的時候,請你嘗試去了解我。 如果我吃飯吃得亂七八糟,如果我沒有能力自己穿衣服的話,請你要有耐心。回憶過去我教導你的時光。 在我跟你說話時,如果我把同一件事情重覆了一千零一次的時候,不要打斷我的話,要聽下去。 當你還很小的時候,我要把同一個故事重覆一千零一次,直到你睡著了。 當我不想要洗澡,不要侮辱我或罵我。 記得我要想盡一千個藉口來哄你,才讓你想要洗澡。 當你看到我對新科技的無知時,給我所需的時間,不要嘲笑我。 我過去教你做很多的事情,吃得好,穿得好,及面對生命。 當我有時候忘記一些回憶或我們對話中的條理,給我所需的時間去想起來... 若我還不能想起來,不要急躁,因為最重要不是我們的對話,是我們相處的時刻以及你的聆聽。 如果我不想吃,不要逼我,我深知我什麼時候要,什麼時候不。 當疲乏的雙腳不容許我走路時,伸手幫助我,就如你剛學步時我幫你一樣。 還有當有一天我告訴你我不想活了... 我想要死... 不要生氣,有一天你會明白... 嘗試了解我這把年紀已不是生活而是倖存。 有一天你會發現雖然我有過錯,我仍希望把最好的給你,我也嘗試為此給你準備道路。 你不可以因看到我親近你而感到悲傷,憤怒或不耐煩。你一定要在我旁邊,嘗試了解我,幫助我,就如你剛開始生活時我幫助你一樣。 幫我走路...幫我在臨終時有愛與忍耐。我會以微笑及一直對你無比的愛來回報你。 我愛你,兒子 你的父親。

文章標題:教學原理影片心得- 叫我第一名  2013-06-19 01:32:49

看完這部電影,我覺得主角勇敢克服自己的缺陷和永不放棄地的精神這兩點真的很值得鼓勵,雖然主角有妥瑞氏症但他還是達到他理想的目標,完成夢想的過程很辛苦但也獲得屬於自己的成就感,對於這個疾病,它給了主角很大的困擾,像是求學時代,要面對同學的嘲笑;找工作要面試時,要面對老闆對你質疑的眼光;找到工作就業時,要面對學生家長的不信任。就算要面對種種的難關,主角還是堅持自己的信念,克服自己疾病的不完美,去打破每一個關卡,繼續做一個稱職的老師,堅持自己的理想,是一位值得學習好的榜樣,因為他沒有因為他疾病帶給他的困擾而放棄自己,反而更堅定地要往目標前進,最後他的努力讓他得獎了,在別人的眼中或許只知道他很認真很努力地當自己該做的職業,可能也不了解他是在面對多次的面試失敗,去克服自己的疾病,珍惜自己擁有的機會,去更努力地去完成自己想做的,如果當初主角因為疾病帶他的不完美而面試失敗幾次就不想努力的話,他應該也不會站在那光榮的台上了! 在我讀國中的時候,有遇到類似症狀的同學,雖然沒有像主角一樣發出怪聲,可是會跟主教一樣不自主的轉頭,這個現象比較明顯,他有說過他不能自己控制這個動作,是因為疾病造成的治不好,但也沒說是甚麼病,他也有說面對這個症狀,雖然對他的生活沒有造成甚麼太大影響,只是有的時候陌生人會覺得他怪怪的,但不會太在意。如果換作是現在我有這個疾病,我也不知道我該如何走出去面對這個世界,可能會害怕社會大眾的眼光和看法而產生退縮和過度依賴家人的行為出現。最後,這部電影給我的啟發是,別因為自己的不完美而放棄每一個從你旁邊經過的每一個機會,或許會失敗,但每一次的付出的努力都要比前一次更努力,總會有自己成功的機會。

文章標題:教學原理心得  2013-06-19 01:34:42


   0985101285    藍楷芳  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101284    吳如婕  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:= =  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:老人報告 父與子  2013-06-09 16:48:47

Father & son父親和兒子 Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me.哪天你看到我日漸老去,身體也漸漸不行,請耐著性子試著了解我。 If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.如果我吃的髒兮兮,當我不會穿衣服時,請有耐性一點,你記得我曾花多久時間教你這些事嗎? If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me.如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事,不要打斷我,請聽我说。 When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep.當你還小的時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著。 When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也別罵我…. Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…還記得你小時候我曾编出多少理由,只為了哄你洗澡… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…當你看到我對新科技的無知,請给我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life…我曾教了你多少事情啊…如何好好的吃、好好的穿…如何面對你的生命… When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thingis not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me...如果交談中我忽然失憶不知所云,给我一點時間回想…如果我還是無能為力,請不要緊張…對我而言重要的不是對話,而是能跟你在一起,有你的傾聽…. If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not.當我不想吃東西時,不要勉强我。我清楚知道該甚麼時候進食。 When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps.當我的腿不聽使喚…扶我一把…如同我曾扶著你踏出你人生的第一步。 And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…當哪天我告訴你不想再活下去了….請不要生氣….總有一天你會了解… Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. 試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數。 Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you.有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你最好的。 You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you.當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷、生氣或無奈。 You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living,Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience.I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.你要緊緊牽著我,如同我當初幫著你展開人生一樣的了解我、幫我…扶我一把,用愛跟耐心幫我走完人生…我將用微笑和我始終不變無邊無際的愛來回報你。 I love you son…我愛你孩子… your father你的父親

   0985101283    林昱岑  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:父與子  2013-06-03 21:59:25

Father & son 父與子 Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 哪天你看到我日漸老去,已經沒有耐心,並試著了解我。 如果我吃的髒兮兮......如果我不會穿衣服......有耐心, 記住我花時間教給你 If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… 如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事情…不要打斷我,聽我說….. 你小時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著…….. 當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要責罵我…… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… 還記得,當我有多少理由來追你,你想要洗澡為了... 當你看到我對不了解技術,能給我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我...... 我教你如何做很多事情...吃的好,穿得好 面對生活...... When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 在某些時刻,我失去了記憶,我們的談話,讓我有必要時時刻刻記住,如果我不能做到這一點,請不要緊張,但肯定和你在一起,有你聽我說... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… 我發燒,我不想吃,不要勉強我。我清楚地知道,當 我需要和什麼時候不該。 當我疲憊的雙腿不讓我走......給我你的手 ......我做了同樣的方式,當你給你的第一個步驟。 當有一天我對你說,我不想再活下去......我想死......不要生氣....總有一天你會明白... Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. 試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數. 有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你失去的… 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈. 33 You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈. 你要緊挨著我,如同我當初幫著你展開人生一樣的了解我,幫我…. 扶我一把,用愛跟耐心幫我走完人生… 我將用微笑和我始終不變無邊無際的愛來回報你. 我愛你兒子 你的爸爸

   0985101282    周佳辰  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:hi  2013-05-10 22:12:51


   0985101281    林欣儒  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:ˋˊ  2013-05-10 09:21:49


   0985101280    李芊慧  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101278    宋芷寧  發表(4)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:^^  2013-05-10 09:32:00


文章標題:父與子  2013-06-08 21:56:15

Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. 當有一天你看到我已年紀老邁,而我已不再有耐性的時候,請你嘗試去了解我。 If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 如果我吃飯吃得亂七八糟,如果我沒有能力自己穿衣服的話,請你要有耐心。回憶過去我教導你的時光。 If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. 在我跟你說話時,如果我把同一件事情重覆了一千零一次的時候,不要打斷我的話,要聽下去。 When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. 當你還很小的時候,我要把同一個故事重覆一千零一次,直到你睡著了。 When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…當我不想要洗澡,不要侮辱我或罵我。 Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…記得我要想盡一千個藉口來哄你,才讓你想要洗澡。 When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…當你看到我對新科技的無知時,給我所需的時間,不要嘲笑我。 I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life…我過去教你做很多的事情,吃得好,穿得好,及面對生命。 When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 當我有時候忘記一些回憶或我們對話中的條理,給我所需的時間去想起來... 若我還不能想起來,不要急躁,因為最重要不是我們的對話,是我們相處的時刻以及你的聆聽。 If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. 如果我不想吃,不要逼我,我深知我什麼時候要,什麼時候不。 When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. 當疲乏的雙腳不容許我走路時,伸手幫助我,就如你剛學步時我幫你一樣。 And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…還有當有一天我告訴你我不想活了... 我想要死... 不要生氣,有一天你會明白... Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. 嘗試了解我這把年紀已不是生活而是倖存。 Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. 有一天你會發現雖然我有過錯,我仍希望把最好的給你,我也嘗試為此給你準備道路。 You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, 你不可以因看到我親近你而感到悲傷,憤怒或不耐煩。你一定要在我旁邊,嘗試了解我,幫助我,就如你剛開始生活時我幫助你一樣。 Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. 幫我走路...幫我在臨終時有愛與忍耐。我會以微笑及一直對你無比的愛來回報你。 I love you son…我愛你,兒子... your father 你的父親

文章標題:父與子  2013-06-08 21:56:59

Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. 當有一天你看到我已年紀老邁,而我已不再有耐性的時候,請你嘗試去了解我。 If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 如果我吃飯吃得亂七八糟,如果我沒有能力自己穿衣服的話,請你要有耐心。回憶過去我教導你的時光。 If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. 在我跟你說話時,如果我把同一件事情重覆了一千零一次的時候,不要打斷我的話,要聽下去。 When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. 當你還很小的時候,我要把同一個故事重覆一千零一次,直到你睡著了。 When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…當我不想要洗澡,不要侮辱我或罵我。 Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…記得我要想盡一千個藉口來哄你,才讓你想要洗澡。 When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…當你看到我對新科技的無知時,給我所需的時間,不要嘲笑我。 I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life…我過去教你做很多的事情,吃得好,穿得好,及面對生命。 When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 當我有時候忘記一些回憶或我們對話中的條理,給我所需的時間去想起來... 若我還不能想起來,不要急躁,因為最重要不是我們的對話,是我們相處的時刻以及你的聆聽。 If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. 如果我不想吃,不要逼我,我深知我什麼時候要,什麼時候不。 When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. 當疲乏的雙腳不容許我走路時,伸手幫助我,就如你剛學步時我幫你一樣。 And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…還有當有一天我告訴你我不想活了... 我想要死... 不要生氣,有一天你會明白... Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. 嘗試了解我這把年紀已不是生活而是倖存。 Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. 有一天你會發現雖然我有過錯,我仍希望把最好的給你,我也嘗試為此給你準備道路。 You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, 你不可以因看到我親近你而感到悲傷,憤怒或不耐煩。你一定要在我旁邊,嘗試了解我,幫助我,就如你剛開始生活時我幫助你一樣。 Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. 幫我走路...幫我在臨終時有愛與忍耐。我會以微笑及一直對你無比的愛來回報你。 I love you son…我愛你,兒子... your father 你的父親

   0985101277    李欣萍  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:老人作業  2013-05-30 21:28:05

Father & son Dear son: The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 父與子 親愛的兒子 當有一天你看到我已年紀老邁,而我已不再有耐性的時候,請你嘗試去了解我。 如果我吃飯吃得亂七八糟,如果我沒有能力自己穿衣服的話,請你要有耐心。回憶過去我教導你的時光。 在我跟你說話時,如果我把同一件事情重覆了一千零一次的時候,不要打斷我的話,要聽下去。 當你還很小的時候,我要把同一個故事重覆一千零一次,直到你睡著了。 當我不想要洗澡,不要侮辱我或罵我。 記得我要想盡一千個藉口來哄你,才讓你想要洗澡。 當你看到我對新科技的無知時,給我所需的時間,不要嘲笑我。 我過去教你做很多的事情,吃得好,穿得好,及面對生命。 當我有時候忘記一些回憶或我們對話中的條理,給我所需的時間去想起來... 若我還不能想起來,不要急躁,因為最重要不是我們的對話,是我們相處的時刻以及你的聆聽。 如果我不想吃,不要逼我,我深知我什麼時候要,什麼時候不。 當疲乏的雙腳不容許我走路時,伸手幫助我,就如你剛學步時我幫你一樣。 還有當有一天我告訴你我不想活了... 我想要死... 不要生氣,有一天你會明白... 嘗試了解我這把年紀已不是生活而是倖存。 有一天你會發現雖然我有過錯,我仍希望把最好的給你,我也嘗試為此給你準備道路。 你不可以因看到我親近你而感到悲傷,憤怒或不耐煩。你一定要在我旁邊,嘗試了解我,幫助我,就如你剛開始生活時我幫助你一樣。 幫我走路...幫我在臨終時有愛與忍耐。我會以微笑及一直對你無比的愛來回報你。 我愛你,兒子 你的父親

   0985101276    陳立庭  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:心得  2013-06-16 16:24:42

莫名的第三週又過去了,經過第二週的轟炸,儘管這週表現其實還是不太滿意,但總算有進步的感覺,只是在看技術時,有很多的地方都沒去注意到,經過老師的糾正指導詢問,我們才能真的去發掘真正的重點在哪裡。 這禮拜,算是臨床技能上的精進,將做不好的改進,其實我們真的不差,只是需要自己去學習,去積極,而不是別人去說才去做,其實我們真的不差,只是需要時間磨練與經驗累積,在每個學習過程中,總是需要一些失敗與謾罵,我們才能更加注意到細節與學習的更完善,在每一次進步時,感覺自己做的不錯時,心裡總會充滿無比的歡樂感,因為自己又更上一層樓,離專業的護理人員又踏近了一步。其實誰不是這樣走過來的,誰不是透過老師的教導這樣走過來的,儘管資質在好的學生,也會被罵,也需要老師的教導,但這麼說也不是,那誰來罵老師的老師呢,其實學習還是靠自己,靠自己努力去解答心理的疑惑,靠自己努力去學習成長,學習八成後天兩成先天,不能怪自己笨,因為不是笨,而是不努力、不細心。但有時候就算看了書,考試的成績依然不怎麼樣,甚至不及格,書本讀過的,其實就這樣短暫的記憶,真的要實際接觸到臨床,才能更加印象深刻。我們無時無刻的不停在學習,不僅僅學業上的,還有學做人處事的道理,學習難嗎?其實真的不難,真的是需要靠自己,但往往我們只會怪課本怪作者,怪別人重來不怪自己,捫心自問,自己又花了多少時間在課業,每次看別人分數都考很高,就在忌妒,但別人花了多少的時間,你自己又花了多少的時間,學習,真的需要的只是時間。我承認我不是一個積極努力的小孩,但如果我想做一定會努力做,我承認我讀護理並非出於自願,但都讀到四年級了,你說沒興趣還是讀了,況且正在實習,不能說沒興趣就亂來一通吧,所以我也都很盡力的在照顧每位我接觸的個案們,也是誠心誠意的希望他們早日康復,或許我做的真的很差很不好,但我也都盡力努力的去做了,對於照護個案們,我絕對不會帶著輕浮的態度去照顧他們,以同理心看待,如果照顧自己的護理人員態度輕浮,自己作何感想。護理雖然是條不歸路,但卻充滿許多愛與關懷,而且也能跟很多人建立關係,不僅僅單純的治療性關係,我喜歡這種互相關懷關心的感覺,在現實上,多少的事物被冷漠、多少的冷眼旁觀,在這裡,你必須盡心盡力的去幫助每位個案,我雖然沒興趣,但我卻愛這樣的環境、這樣的相處、這樣的關懷,我想以後如果還是沒當護理人員,我自己還是願意這樣去關懷與關心別人,因為我覺得這是現在社會上所缺少的,而我自己也要朝著夢想邁進。

   0985101275    張師培  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101274    馬秀鳳  發表(3)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:123321  2013-05-15 12:55:41

今天上課的時候下好大的雨喔~~ 鳥芳騎車的時候全身都濕掉了~~ 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈~~

文章標題:老人報告 父與子  2013-06-09 16:43:01

Father & son父親和兒子 Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me.哪天你看到我日漸老去,身體也漸漸不行,請耐著性子試著了解我。 If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.如果我吃的髒兮兮,當我不會穿衣服時,請有耐性一點,你記得我曾花多久時間教你這些事嗎? If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me.如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事,不要打斷我,請聽我说。 When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep.當你還小的時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著。 When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me…當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也別罵我…. Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath…還記得你小時候我曾编出多少理由,只為了哄你洗澡… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile…當你看到我對新科技的無知,請给我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life…我曾教了你多少事情啊…如何好好的吃、好好的穿…如何面對你的生命… When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thingis not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me...如果交談中我忽然失憶不知所云,给我一點時間回想…如果我還是無能為力,請不要緊張…對我而言重要的不是對話,而是能跟你在一起,有你的傾聽…. If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not.當我不想吃東西時,不要勉强我。我清楚知道該甚麼時候進食。 When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps.當我的腿不聽使喚…扶我一把…如同我曾扶著你踏出你人生的第一步。 And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand…當哪天我告訴你不想再活下去了….請不要生氣….總有一天你會了解… Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. 試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數。 Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you.有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你最好的。 You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you.當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷、生氣或無奈。 You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living,Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience.I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you.你要緊緊牽著我,如同我當初幫著你展開人生一樣的了解我、幫我…扶我一把,用愛跟耐心幫我走完人生…我將用微笑和我始終不變無邊無際的愛來回報你。 I love you son…我愛你孩子… your father你的父親

   0985101273    王紫涵  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101271    廖湘玲  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101270    陳詩媛  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:老人體驗心得  2013-05-14 20:58:53

穿上背心,體驗駝背走路的感覺, 覺得這樣一直駝背走路還蠻辛苦的, 每一步都小碎步,好像路都永遠走不完似的。 還有洗澡機, 其實躺在裡面蠻不舒服的, 所以如果能自己站著洗澡那最好了! 帶上眼鏡, 體驗當視力不好時, 看東西看的不清楚,連夾豆子都變的困難 何況是走在路上,那多麼的危險。 當邁入老年期時 身體必定不會像年輕時那麼好 但是為了避免快速老化而造成生活上的不便 我們可以規律的運動 維持一定的心肺功能 多到戶外走走,透透氣 那麼我想,我們應該不會太快駝背走路、視力減弱 甚至是需要他人協助躺在洗澡機裡面洗澡。

   0985101269    呂映樓  發表(1)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


   0985101268    陳冠佑  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:父與子  2013-06-08 20:27:42

親愛的兒子 如果有天你看見我老了(實際上我也已經不再"年輕"),請對我有耐心和試著了解我 如果我吃東西掉滿地或弄得髒兮兮 或者我無法自己穿衣... 請你有耐心 並想想當初我為了教你花了多少時間 如果當我跟你說話, 我再一次重覆說過千次以上的事請你不中斷我 繼續聽我說完 想想當你還小, 我必須一次又一次說你聽過千次以上的故事哄你睡覺 當我不能自己洗澡(淋浴), 不要羞辱我也別罵我 想想當初為了要讓你洗澡 我必須每天追著你跑還得想些奇怪的理由 當你看到我的無知 請你給我時間學習並且別用那種嘲笑的眼光看我 想想當初我教會你如何做事 吃東西 穿衣服 甚至於面對人生 當有時我想不起來該說或我們正在說什麼 請給我有時間想 甚至如果我想不起來 也請你不要緊張 因為最重要的事不是我的交談的內容而是跟"你"說話 你在聽我說話 如果我不想吃東西 不要逼我 我清楚的知道什麼時候我必須吃 什麼時候不必吃 當我疲累的腿不再幫我行動 請對我伸出援手 就像當初你學走路時我幫你的樣子 如果哪天我對你說我不想活了 我想死 請你別生氣 總有一天你會了解的 請你試著瞭解 到我這樣的年齡 並不是為了生活 而是為了存活 有一天你會發現 儘管我的做錯了 我總想要給你最好的 盡量為你鋪陳往後的路 當你看見我在你附近 你不必感到哀傷 惱怒或不耐煩 您必須陪著我 試著了解我和幫助我 如同我幫助你開始你的人生一樣 幫助我走這段路 請你用愛和耐心陪我走人生的最後一段路 我會用給你我最真心的笑容 裡面包含我一直以來對你無限的愛 孩子 我愛你 父親

   0985101266    藍惠琪  發表(2)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:12345  2013-05-10 09:17:36


   0985101265    廖哲強  發表(7)筆  

文章標題:歡迎使用E-portfolio  2008-03-18 16:15:43


文章標題:父與子  2013-06-08 19:48:17

Father & son 父與子 Dear son: 親愛的兒子 The day that you see me old and already not, have patience and try to understand me. If I get dirty when eating….if I can not dress…have patience, Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you. 哪天你看到我日漸老去,已經沒有耐心,並試著了解我。 如果我吃的髒兮兮......如果我不會穿衣服......有耐心, 記住我花時間教給你 If, when I speak to you, I repeat the same thing thousand and one times…do not interrupt me…listen to me. When you were small, I had to read to you thousand and one times the same story until you get to sleep. When I do not want to have a shower, neither shame me nor scold me… 如果,當我一再重覆述說同樣的事情…不要打斷我,聽我說….. 你小時候,我必須一遍又一遍的讀著同樣的故事,直到你靜靜睡著…….. 當我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要責罵我…… Remember when I had to chase you with thousand excuses I invented, in order that you want to bath… When you see my ignorance on new technologies…give me the necessary time and not look at me your mocking smile… I taught you how to do many things…to eat good, to dress well …to confront life… 還記得,當我有多少理由來追你,你想要洗澡為了... 當你看到我對不了解技術,能給我一點時間,不要掛著嘲弄的微笑看著我...... 我教你如何做很多事情...吃的好,穿得好 面對生活...... When at some moment I loss the memory or the thread of our conversation…let me have the necessary time to remember…and if I cannot do it, do not become nervous…as the most important thing is not my conversation but surely to be with you and to have you listening to me... 在某些時刻,我失去了記憶,我們的談話,讓我有必要時時刻刻記住,如果我不能做到這一點,請不要緊張,但肯定和你在一起,有你聽我說... If everI do not want to eat, do not force me. I know well when I need to and when not. When my tired legs do not allow me walk…give me your hand …the same way I did when you gave your first steps. And when some day I say to you that I do not want to live any more…that I want to die…do not get angry …some day you will understand… 我發燒,我不想吃,不要勉強我。我清楚地知道,當 我需要和什麼時候不該。 當我疲憊的雙腿不讓我走......給我你的手 ......我做了同樣的方式,當你給你的第一個步驟。 當有一天我對你說,我不想再活下去......我想死......不要生氣....總有一天你會明白... Try to understand that my age is not lived but survived. Some day you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always Wanted the lost thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. You must not feel sad, angry or impotent for seeing me near you. 試著了解我已是風燭殘年,來日可數. 有一天你會發現,即使我有許多過錯,我總是盡我所能要給你失去的… 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈. 33 You must be next to me, try to understand me and be help me as I did It when you started living, Help me to walk…help me to end my way with love and patience. I will pay you by a smile and by the immense love I have had always for you. I love you son… your father 當我靠近你時不要覺得感傷,生氣或無奈. 你要緊挨著我,如同我當初幫著你展開人生一樣的了解我,幫我…. 扶我一把,用愛跟耐心幫我走完人生… 我將用微笑和我始終不變無邊無際的愛來回報你. 我愛你兒子 你的爸爸

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